Scarves with Siberian Huskies on them

While Marilyn Lassagne's daughter was cleaning out Marilyn's house, she found 11 (!) boxes of knitted scarves with 2 Siberian Huskies on each end. (Cheryl thinks the yarn is a good quality acrylic.) There are many colors of scarves (blue, pink, gold, green, light green, light teal, teal, maroon, powder blue, and red) and almost every representation of Siberian Husky colors - red and white, black and white, grey and white, tan and white (and piebalds in each of those colors). There are even a few Samoyeds. They are 5' long and 1' wide. I've listed combinations below for which we have the most inventory. But feel to write ( if you don't see a combination you like. It's probable that we have it.