Featured Guardian Angel
Boo - Guardian Angel from July 2015 to December 2015

photo taken 12-1-15
The best things in life are undoubtedly free, but, they don't have a
shelf life that ever lasts long enough.
With that being said, the stars are a little brighter, and the clouds, oh so white, as All the White Stuff once again reunite.

On Dec. 3rd,2015, with unbearable sorrow, I bid Godspeed to my Little Boy Boo and packed his little heart until it was bursting with love for his journey to visit his sisters, Cleo and Gia at Heaven's Gate. They were all there in the room and they were waiting. I could feel their presence. Boo's heart carried with him so many, many kisses for all of his people and family members who were special to him and all his dearly loved and missed canine siblings, Gia, Cleo, Wookie, Nakita, Seagram, and, the one little Dalmatian he never met, Sudsie. His little body, though frail, was extra-filled with love for his foster sisters and brothers, who we know, have journeyed on, too: Wiley (aka Old Timer), the wonderful old boy and the first male I ever fostered or had (then came you, my little man.) Special hugs for dearest Polar, for Kenny, his very much loved foster-brother then cousin, Gentle Sophie 1, Sweetest Dakota, Little Sophie 2, other fosters, I am sure, and so many canine friends, both Big and Little.
As I stroked his soft fur, I whispered my parting words and also gave him three very special Kisses, for three very special guys who would be soon celebrating an anniversary at the bridge too. Boo looked at me for a moment, and quickly gave me back, three very sloppy kisses. (Boo had not kissed, anyone, in a very long time.) I realized after, that they were there, with many others waiting to receive him with open paws too. They sent those kisses back, personally, through Boo. Boo gave so many kisses that day; to Amanda, his groomer and very special friend and to Tina, his loving vet tech. Boo was surrounded by friends as Dr. Caroline tenderly helped him make his final journey home, with his sisters. (Thank you all for being there, for me, too.)

Our Little Boo was never the same once his sister, Cleo, left us a little over a year ago. He had also developed dementia and some neurological issues that could not be resolved. Marci was a great companion for him, very tolerant of his idiosyncrasies and while Boo enjoyed her company and being near her, it was Cleo and Gia, who had welcomed him into their pack and whom he lived with for so many years. He adored his sisters and they tolerated his shenanigans and loved to play "Boo Games with him." They slept together in a heap and you never knew whose tail or legs belonged to whom. Cleo and Gia would be lying side by side and Boo would unceremoniously just plop on top without so much as a sound from his sisters. They loved him and he cherished them, but took great advantage of his doting sisters (fondly known as BooMan's Group).
Our own kids and our foster dogs, often participated in many a rescue event together to represent the breed(s). Boo could dance the chicken dance on his back two legs very well. Once, with a little music, and with a sequined silk bow tie and red bib, he danced for dollars, at an event to the giggles of kids whom he adored, and the awe of the general public. My little Chippendale raised a good amount of money for NLSDR rescue that day.
Boo was always a live-wire who had his quirks, but he was deeply loved. He enjoyed the company of other dogs very much, especially when he was there with his sisters. The three of them were a dynamic and gentle team who would chase, to play with, bunnies and squirrels, but would never hurt a soul. My intro to Huskies was not one, not two, but, with Boo made three very tender-hearted, nurturing dogs. They protected baby birds, mice and little creatures - yes, really! They even had a morning game, years ago, with a squirrel who would wait until they came out. He would run across the fence as they chased him, and then up the pole and the game was done. One time, the poor little squirrel lost his footing and fell off the fence into the middle of the pack! Oh-oh - but Boo looked down, then at his sisters; they stepped aside, looked at the little guy and, as the squirrel reoriented, he headed up the fence and the game was still on.

Our Little Boy Boo loved his senior Malamute brother, Wookie, too, for the couple of years he was a family member, with us. Wookie's bark was definitely bigger than his bite, and they had their own little pack and would often hang together. Boo played foster brother to a host of Huskies, Malamutes, and a few other smaller breeds. Boo was a very special boy and his sisters, Cleo and Gia, definitely completed him. They were, without a doubt, one for all and all for one, the 3 Huskyteers. They were and always will be, All the White Stuff.

While our hearts grieve deeply for our little stinker, the very best Christmas gift we could give Boo was a celebration, full of health and life again, at the Rainbow Bridge with his sisters, great big brother, and everyone he loved, who were waiting. (Grandpa had treats for you, I am sure).
God Bless, my dear "little man." You will celebrate a very White Christmas, again, this year buddy and will be in mom's heart forever and ever until we meet again. Godspeed Boo - run like the wind and cause havoc in the clouds and let it snow and snow and snow ...
Hugs, tammie