1998 (41 dogs)
Here are the dogs we helped in 1998. We were pleased to make contributions towards their medical expenses to ensure happy and healthy lives for them all. Unfortunately we do not have any pictures of these rescues.

In late December 1998, the Hickman County Humane Society raided a puppy mill near Lyles, TN and seized over 300 dogs, some horses and other domestic animals. The animals were living in appalling conditions. Although all the Siberians found foster homes almost immediately, we made a donation to the HCHS to help with the care and medical costs of the remaining animals. (December 1998)

Two Siberian Huskies (Styles (male) and Maggie(female)) were abandoned after a dog auction south of Kansas City, Missouri. After several days the owner reclaimed them but agreed to release them to rescue. In the meantime, the Chillicothe shelter had picked up another stray male Siberian Husky (Suds). WISH Milwaukee agreed to take the dogs if transportation could be arranged. Transportation for all three dogs had been arranged when the owner decided to keep Maggie a little longer because she was due to whelp. Anita Rosenberger and Catherine Carpenter arranged for the additional transport of Maggie and pup, so all 4 dogs were put in the care of WISH Milwaukee. The SOS-SRF paid for the rental of the van for the original transportation arrangement.
Initially, both Styles and Suds were boarded because there were no foster homes available. The SHCA Rescue Fund donated money to cover that expense as well as the cost of boarding Maggie during her treatment. After 3 weeks, Styles was moved into a foster home and Suds continued to be boarded. Both dogs were eventually adopted with Styles going to his new home on April 24 and Suds going to his on April 11th.
"And Maggie? Seven weeks at the vet, having daily medication, twice a week baths and treatment for the mange, lice, and horrible open sores all over her virtually hairless body. When she left the hospital to go to her new home, we asked the vet for an accounting of just how much we owed. THE TOTAL CHARGE WAS $240, which covered just a $6 per diem "board." He DONATED the entire treatment!!!!! Hats off to Dr. Rudawski and the staff at Fox Lake Animal Hospital for their loving care of this sweet, deserving dog.
"THAT'S RESCUE!" (from Lois Leonard's updates) Maggie was adopted by a family with two young children who saw her in her emaciated condition and would take no other dog. When she left the hospital, she weighed 50 lbs, an incredible recovery from the 30 lb. emaciated skeleton that was rescued. The puppy (Niki) captivated his current foster family and is now a permanent resident in a household with 4 adult Siberians. (December 1998)

Jennifer Hoey (Poughkeepsie, New York) rescued a stray which required vaccinations, surgery for a bowel obstruction, treatment for heartworm, and neutering. The vet bills were over $800 and the SOS-SRF made a donation towards them.
Dief is now the companion of a great, young man from Colorado who is an animal and nature photographer as well as an outdoorsman. (November/December, 1998)

A Siberian Husky was rescued by the 2nd Chance Farm in West Park, NY but they could not afford his medical expenses. The SOS-SRF made a donation to pay for half the expense of having him neutered, HW checked and vaccinated (apparently their vet is a saint!). Pat Tetrault paid the other half. (November, 1998)

A neutered, 2 year old, black/grey/white male with blue eyes was found in Atlanta. He had a large tumor on his leg and it was suspected that he was abandoned rather than having it treated. The people who found him arranged to have the tumor removed but could not keep him. These people paid for most of his vet bills and the vet absorbed some of the costs. The SOS-SRF made a donation to close the books. A permanent home was found for him. (October 1998)

Barb Saylor wanted to rescue a heartworm-positive female Siberian Husky from a kill-shelter in Virginia but couldn't afford the cost of treatment. The SOS-SRF made a donation and several other Sibernetters made contributions and Rose Dawson (no relation to Cheryl) was rescued and has made a complete recovery.
Rose was obviously from very good breeding, was well groomed and cared for, and in good health (except for the heartworms!). She was also very well-trained and well-mannered and carried herself like a queen but also loved to cuddle.
A family in Massachusetts saw Rose's pictures on the Siberian Rescue Website and fell in love. They waited patiently for her to finish her heartworm treatment, and when then drove to Maryland to pick her up, put on their car window the internet picture of Rose, with a little sign that said "Rosie or Bust!" It was love at first sight on both sides! October, 1998

Chase was a rescue from a shelter in Atlanta. He was really sick from the beginning but no one realized how bad it was until it was too late. First, they thought it was just a bad case of whips. Then, cocchidia showed up. He was treated for these but he continued to get worse. To make a long story short, Chase had a massive infection in the sac surrounding his heart and died before it could be treated. The SOS-SRF made a donation towards the vet bills (Fall 1998).

Sidney Helen Sachs notified the list that two Siberian Husky "puppies" (one less than 1 year and the other less than 2) were in the Loudon County Animal Shelter with 48 hours before they were euthanized. Sidney called the shelter and said she would pick them up. Sidney took them to her vet where they were examined and found to be heartworm positive, as well as having other types of worms (or "miscellaneous horrid little buggers" to quote Sidney), and mange. They were treated successfully and also vaccinated, bathed, & groomed. The SOS-SRF made a contribution towards their medical bills. Lenoir and Loudon have been adopted. (September 1998)

The Cedar Bend Humane Society seized 153 dogs (9 different breeds) from a Grundy County puppy mill. Of these, 26 were Siberian Huskies. Charley and Loretta Martin, Pair-a-Dice Siberian Huskies, coordinated the effort to find homes for these dogs. They paid for the costs of microchipping the dogs. They spent many hours traveling to visit, evaluate and monitor the dogs, and arranging for new homes and transportation. They also fostered several of the dogs. The SOS-SRF made a donation towards the expenses. (July 1998)

Approximately 60 adult Siberian Huskies and 20 puppies were seized by the Chautauqua County Humane Society, Jamestown, NY from a puppy mill where the dogs had been living in deplorable conditions. The dogs were brought to the shelter, inspected, checked, vaccinated, neutered/spayed and temporarily held until their health and coats improved. This was one of the lucky situations. The shelter had just gotten newly-built improved services and public outrage helped home most of the dogs.
The SOS-SRF offered its assistance with the dogs (4) that were not placed. We posted their pictures on the web, located foster homes for them and transported them to their new homes - as far east as New Jersey, and as far south & west as Charleston, West Virgina and St. Louis, Missouri. We also contributed towards their vet services. (April 1998)