1999 (33 dogs)
Here are the dogs we helped in 1999. We were pleased to make contributions towards their medical expenses to ensure happy and healthy lives for them all.

Steele was abandoned by his owners and rescued by the North Bay Sled Dog Rescue (affiliated with SHRR). He was diagnosed (by way of some very expensive medical work, including biopsy and pathology and treatment) with having a sun-exposure-induced case of canine lupus, a non-life-threatening condition, but one that puts him at high risk in the sunny State of California. Steele should be kept indoors the majority of the time, and should wear sunscreen on his nose when he goes outdoors. The SOS-SRF contributed towards the cost of these medical expenses. (October 1999)

Ice has severe nerve damage at the shoulder which went untreated for a YEAR and he has lost the use of his leg. It will have to be amputated to prevent future problems. The SOS-SRF has contributed towards his medical expenses. (October 1999)

Keller's owners moved and left him behind. This 5 year old blind, intact Siberian Husky was taken in by Animal Control (AC) in October after running full tilt into a gas station. Tracie Franke of Adopt a Husky convinced AC to give him a few more days and advertised his plight on the Internet. Mary Ann Nasto found him 2 adoptive homes and he was settled in one in Virginia. He was shipped via "Delta Dash" as it was felt this would be easier on a blind dog than a transportation chain on the ground. The SOS-SRF donated money towards his costs. (October 1999)
However, Keller's story doesn't end there. He was heartworm positive and could not be neutered until he had completed the heartworm treatment. Although the new owners promised that they would have this done, they didn't and when they had to give him up in 2001, he was still intact. (His story continues on our 2001 page.)

Shirley LaMarco and her Angels of the Snow agreed to take in three females (renamed Faith, Hope and Charity) from a puppy mill situation in Pennsylvania. A few weeks later Buddy Love, Serenity and Grace (from the same puppy mill) joined them. Several Sibernetters and non-Sibernetters helped with the complicated transportation chain that brought them to Cape Cod from PA. Shirley's "Siber Express" gave up the ghost at a critical moment in the chain and she had to rent a vehicle. The SOS-SRF donated money to help with transportation costs but it will be used for spaying and neutering instead. Shirley has done a great job in transforming these timid puppy mill dogs into more typical Siberian Huskies and they are or will be up for adoption. (October 1999)

Simon ended up in a foster home after his owner committed suicide. He was heartworm positive. In September, SOS-SRF made a donation towards his treatment. Simon has made a complete recovery. He has been adopted by a young man with another male Siberian named Skye, also a rescue. They will both be spoiled rotten for the rest of their lives. (Updated October 1999)

Following their experience with Cinammon, Cheryl and Bill Lentz have formed a "Siberian Husky Rescue of New Mexico" and are actively involved in rescuing and placing Siberian Huskies. Cheryl is currently (June 1999) nursing Princess back to health - she is a rescue with a tick-borne disease. The SOS-SRF made a donation towards the cost of her vet bills. (June 1999)

In early June of 1999, Karen Sorrell heard about a 2 year old male Siberian Husky in Florida who was in danger of being shot by his owner because of a bitter family situation. Karen had a place for him in her rescue system so SOS-SRF paid to have him vetted and flown to Georgia from Florida. Niko is red and white, with an open mask and ice blue eyes. (June 1999)

While searching for her lost Siberian Husky, Sadie, Michelle rescued a young (1 to 1 1/2 year old) female Siberian Husky. She was found to be heartworm positive. SOS-SRF contributed towards the cost of the heartworm treatment. Keesha has steadily improved. She is still quite shy. (May 1999)

In April, 1999, Marita Len rescued Rusty, a 10 year old male from the Watkins Glen shelter. Rusty was suffering from chronic chest congestion and had a mass in his nose. He was taken to Cornell for diagnosis and probably has a lymphoma (cancer). The SOS-SRF contributed towards the costs of the test and drugs. When last heard from (late April), Rusty was enjoying his squeaky lion, TV (the Iditarod, Animal Planet, La Femme Nikita), and being loved after a life of probable neglect and abuse. He is well-known throughout Marita's neighbourhood. He is still suffering from chronic bronchitis and the lymphoma, but appears to be enjoying life. (April 1999)

In March 1999, Barb Saylor agree to rescue a female Siberian Husky and her six very young puppies that had been abandoned at the CACC in New York. The mother was very sick and nearly died of mastitis and other complications and the puppies were not in very good shape either. Sibes Across America arranged for transport. When the mother took a turn for the worse and the vet bills started to mount, the SOS-SRF made a donation to help her out. Cher, the mother Siberian, has proven to be one tough little gal and is now beginning to recover. Barb is acting as a surrogate mom to the pups and really appreciating all the work a mother dog does! (April 1999)
Update: In late May, Cher found a permanent home thanks to a referral from Cheryl Dawson. Anita Rosenberger took two of the puppies and they have been wreaking puppy havoc among her pack of older dogs.

In early March, Marilyn rescued a female Siberian Husky with eye problems that were apparently caused by having been sprayed in the face with some sort of chemical. After seeing the opthamologist, she was diagnosed with Dry Eye and a ulcer/cyst in the bad eye. It was so bad that it could have burst at any time and then she would have lost the eye. Financially, Rescue could never pay for an eye removal, so an operation to remove the cyst was performed ($250) and it was a success. Both eyes are now clearing up and vision is returning. She has gone from being a sad dog to a happy one and wants to play more than is good for her eyes. She will have to have weekly visits to the vet for a month or two. A home has been picked out for her, from several, and they can't wait. She still has to be spayed, before adopting out. The SOS-SRF made a donation towards the medical bills for the eye. (April 1999)

In early January, 1999, a musher who was going through a divorce abandoned his team of 9 dogs (4 purebred Siberian Huskies, 1 Alaskan Malamute, 4 Alaskan Huskies) at a local shelter. The Alaskan Malamute Protection League rescued these dogs, arranged for neutering and foster homes. The Bay Area Siberian Husky Club and the SOS-SRF made matching donations towards expenses. (January 1999)

Cinnamon was a very sick, unspayed female who was rescued from the streets of Albuquerque, New Mexico after being struck by a car. She was covered in cuts and scrapes, had an elevated white blood cell count, low blood sugar, and a weakened immune system. At last report she had made a complete recovery thanks to the medical attention and loving care from Cheryl. The SHCA provided funds to spay her and the SOS-SRF made a donation towards her other vet bills. This 38 pound, brown and white, very affectionate if somewhat finicky Siberian has now found a permanent home with a family from Colorado. (January 1999)

In late January, 1999, a female Siberian Husky and her six puppies were turned in to the Madison County Humane Society. Due to lack of space, they were kenneled outside. Maggie Widdell, Central Maine Siberian Rescue, volunteered to foster the family, if they could be delivered to her. Sibes Across America sprang into action and arranged for transportation. One pup died but the rest of the family is doing well. As of February 24, Skye and two of the pups have found new homes. Maggie's vet donated his services for care of the pups. (January 1999)