2003 (34 dogs)
Here are the dogs we helped in 2003. We were pleased to make contributions towards their medical expenses to ensure happy and healthy lives for them all.

Ace is a young, black and white male Siberian who was brought into the Dutchess County SPCA as a stray. He tested positive for heartworms. He is currently in a foster home while he undergoes treatment. His prognosis is excellent and his future should be long and happy
The SOS-SRF was pleased to fund Ace's heartworm treatment. (December 2003)

Trooper, a young black and white male, was rescued with part of a hind leg missing, which severely reduced his mobility and balance. The stump was too long and Trooper wanted to use this shortened leg with the consequence that it couldn't heal properly and clearly caused him a great deal of pain. Julie Hoffmann (Indy Homes for Huskies) described him: "We can only imagine that his back and hips must ache all the time from the awkward positions he has to put his body in to make even the simplest of maneuvers. Just watching him [try] to sit or lie down is enough to make you wince in sympathy."
Trooper's veterinarian performed a mid-femoral shaft amputation and has every expectation that the surgery site will heal well and that Trooper will enjoy a pain-free life, adapting well to three legs without the added encumbrance of an appendage he couldn't control.
Julie sent us many photos: these two demonstrate the marked difference in Trooper's stance before and after the surgery:

Trooper recuperated with his foster mom, Tina Bassett. And when he was well enough, he went to his "forever" family. Here's what Tina writes about his new home:

"I couldn't ask for a better home for Trooper! I pulled into the subdivision with all these nice houses and told Trooper he'd hit the big time. <G!> Chevelle (his new sister) greeted him like they were long lost friends. I saw him play with her more in the hour I was there than the entire time he was here with Quinn. Trooper and Chevelle are evenly matched in size and I think that made it easier for him to play with her. They chased each other around the house, spilled water all over the kitchen, bounced off the back of the couch, and even got up in each other's face and barked at one another. He was having a blast with Chevelle. Everything was just perfect! I even managed to get both of the dogs to sit for a couple of seconds so I could snap this picture."
The SOS-SRF was delighted to contribute funds to help Trooper, and we wish him a long and happy life with Chevelle and his new family. (December 2003)

Blue Boy is a young black and white Siberian mix who was rescued from a high kill shelter in Las Vegas when his time ran out. He had scabbing at the base of an ear--possibly caused by an altercation with another dog at the shelter. When the situation worsened (Blue's ear began to bulge and he was in obvious pain), his veterinarian prescribed deep cleaning for an infection (under anaesthesia). It was then discovered that Blue's ear drum was ruptured and that he had an infection of the center ear.
He will need further intensive treatments, but his prognosis is good. The SOS-SRF was happy to contribute to Blue Boy's care. (November 2003)

Jacki Cornman, president of Carolina Siberian Rescue, contacted us about five young Siberians ranging in age from one to four: 2 girls and 3 boys. We dubbed them "the Carolina 5." All had tested positive for heartworms and were in need of treatment. The prognosis for all was excellent. Jacki reports that Chance has already found her "forever" family and the other four will be placed as well.
Clockwise from upper left: Zane, Knuks, Nakita, Chance, Pearl
We were very pleased to contribute funds to aid "the Carolina 5." (November 2003)

Barbara Lukowski rescued this young black and white dog from a shelter. Blade was underweight, exhibiting signs of jaundice, vomiting, and dehydration. He was found to have leptospirosis, a highly transmittable and potentially fatal disease which, if untreated, shuts down the kidneys and liver. Husky House was very concerned about Blade--and about others in their care. Blade was treated swiftly with antibiotics, and is now on the road to recovery in his foster--perhaps "forever"-- home if his new foster siblings, Yukon and Lucky approve! Fortunately, the other Husky House dogs were unaffected.
The SOS-SRF was pleased to be able to fund Blade's treatment, and we wish him a long, happy, and healthy life. (November 2003)
Update (December 2003): Lorraine Healy writes that Blade is doing extremely well, "eating like a little piggy and gaining weight." He is in foster care. Lorraine describes him as a "sweet boy with great house manners who loves to snuggle. He is a gem!" He has another round of treatment which will last two months, but Lorraine says "I am so glad we saved this boy!"

Dusty's is a heart-wrenching case. This 2-year old boy has been in terrible pain for 18 months. When he was six months old, he suffered a fracture of his right hind leg which, it appeared, his owner had neglected to have fixed. When he was turned into the Humane Society of Fayetteville, Marian Brasher realized that he was a very special dog who needed a second chance. She managed to pull him, hours away from euthanasia, and turned to us for some financial assistance. Her veterinarian said that amputation of the leg would give Dusty the chance of a pain-free life. Because of his age and the time of the fracture, re-setting the bones was not a option.
Dusty was scheduled for amputation of his right hind leg, but x-rays revealed that he had been treated earlier with a pin which had migrated close to the sciatic nerve causing him acute pain for many months. The pin was surgically removed, and with a short course of physical therapy, Dusty's atrophied leg muscles will recover and he'll regain the use of his leg. We are all thrilled.
The SOS-SRF was delighted to contribute to Dusty's treatment--and even more delighted that the treatment did not involve amputation! Marian will be f ostering Dusty till she finds a suitable forever home for him. We're looking forward to some "after" photos of a happier, pain-free Dusty. (November 2003)

Foxy is one lucky lady! Désirée Bender, president of 'Where Angels Run' (Pit Bull Rescue) wrote us about a malnourished and weak Siberian her husband rescued from a tie-out chain at an abandoned house. After testing, Foxy was found to be heartworm positive. She will be treated after she's gained some weight necessary to withstand this grueling treatment. Désirée writes that she hopes to find Foxy an appropriate home, but will foster her until then.
The SOS-SRF was pleased to fund Foxy's heartworm treatment, and we thank Désirée for caring for one of "our" dogs! (November 2003)

Siberians have prick ears--right? So what's wrong with this photo? As it turns out, Wanatah was very lucky that only his ear was nicked: his owner was aiming for his head. Wanatah had a large tumour on his left front leg and it appears that his "family" was not interested in having it trea laid-back guy." Wanatah's tumour was a cancerous nerve sheath tumour which was operated on aggressively so the risk of a malignant recurrence is minimal.
Wanatah is still with his foster family, and Julie writes that "we will, of course, only consider applications from a person or family willing and financially able to handle his veterinary needs should the cancer recur."
The SOS-SRF was very happy to help with Wanatah's surgery, and we wish him a long and happy life. (October 2003)
Update (December 2003): Wanatah has been adopted! He is adjusting well to his new home and new "brother." He and Fezzik play together every chance they get. His new mom writes: "He is a joy to us every day. I cannot tell you much we love this dog and how much our dog (Fezzik) is loving him too! He has truly been a godsend to us."

Rosie is a pretty, petite, grey and white Siberian with blue eyes. She is 3 to 4 years old and has heartworms. Kim Sharpless rescued her from a humane society in Ohio and applied to us for help with funding for Rosie's treatment. Kim has several potential "forever" homes for Rosie once she is back to health.
Kim describes her as a "very dear little soul, who with patience, kindness, and lots of praise, now has a bounce in her step and a look of anticipation for good things in her eyes. She loves to go HUNT in the weeds: head buried back to her shoulders, tail going 90 mph, pouncing at any movement. She always seems so pleased with herself when she thinks she has rid the area of 'critters.'"
We were pleased to assist with Rosie's heartworm treatment and look forward to hearing that she will soon be well and with a loving family. (October, 2003)

When Tracie Franke of Adopt A Husky--West rescued Rumour, a center-aged red and white piebald lady last October, she was "grossly emaciated (at 30 lbs.). She had an aggressive eye infection oozing green pus; both ears were full of dried blood; and she limped. Her condition was so poor that the shelter had listed her as a mixed breed." Nothing had been done to treat her ailments and a slow and painful death was sure to happen. She was spayed before being released to Tracie, but was in very dire straits as a result of the surgery.
With careful nursing and veterinary treatment, Rumour healed. She gained 20 lbs.; her coat grew back; her ears returned to a healthy pink. But one problem remained: her limp. Rumour needed a cruciate ligament repair surgery. This was successful and Rumour has since been adopted by a young couple who reports that she is recuperating beautifully. Tracie writes that Rumour is truly a Siberian Ambassador, and has made 'new' husky owners into 'lifelong' husky owners. And their cats love her too, and ensure that her ears will stay so clean that they will never be infected again."
We love happy endings! The SOS-SRF assisted with funding for Rumour's surgery, and applaud Tracie for raising much of the needed money by offering a nail-trimming booth at an Adopt A Husky, Inc. fundraiser hike. (September, 2003)

Peggy is a two-year old female Siberian who is fortunate to have found a foster home with SHARE. Peggy suffers from hip dysplasia in both hips. Nannette Clark (SHARE) writes that she is a wonderful dog with an excellent temperament. Peggy will require two expensive hip operations. While she may never be totally without pain, her veterinarian is optimistic that these surgeries will allow her to move with considerably more ease.
The SOS-SRF provided funding for Peggy's first hip operation. Nannette is planning to fund-raise for the second surgery. (September, 2003)

Trinity, a 16-month old wolf-gray Siberian, was destined for the pound when Sandy Michael (American Eskimo Dog Rescue) stepped in. Sandy wrote us to say that there is no Siberian Husky rescue organization in St. Louis, and that her organization occasionally helps Siberians in need when there is foster care available. Trinity had not been spayed, she was infested with hookworms and whipworms, and she had a heart murmur caused by a condition called pulmonic stenosis (a narrowing of the pulmonary valve impeding blood flow to the lungs). Trinity needed specialized and expensive veterniarian services to provide the diagnosis.
Fortunately, Trinity's condition is thought to be mild, and although she will need to be monitored on a yearly basis, her prognosis for a normal life is very good. Trinity has since found her forever home with a couple concerned about her welfare and willing to give this little girl the care and love she needs.
Both the SOS-SRF and Adopt A Husky, Inc. provided funds for the specialized diagnostic evaluations. We are grateful to Sandy Michael and the American Eskimo Dog Rescue of St. Louis for caring so much to help our beloved Siberians. (September, 2003)

Peg Moore wrote to us requesting help for Sierra, a pretty five-year old girl who, with her sister, Kenai, had been abandoned at a high-kill shelter. Peg rescued both girls the day before they were to be euthanized. Kenai is already in her forever home, but Sierra tested positive for heartworms. She began her treatment in August and has an excellent chance of recovery.
Her foster mom, Linda, writes that she is the sweetest little girl. "She has beautiful, big blue eyes and a smile that will melt your heart. Sierra is sweet, compassionate, very vocal in a soft, loving way, has great body language (always offering you her paw), and loves to snuggle. She loves her small walks and is one very happy little girl."
Both Sierra and her sister were very lucky indeed to find such guardian angels as Peg and Linda. The SOS-SRF was happy to provide the funding for Sierra's heartworm treatment. We wish her a long and healthy life. (September, 2003)
Update (December 2003): Sierra is in her forever home. Linda wrote us that Sierra seemed to know that someone good was coming to pick her up! When she and her new mom left Linda's, Sierra looked back as if to say "thank you" and then trotted off merrily to her new car! The picture shows Sierra with her new mom, Amy.

Amanda adopted Sandy, a 7-year old female Siberian, from a local shelter. In having her veterinarian check her out two days later, Amanda was told that Sandy was heartworm-positive. The cost of the treatment was expensive, but Amanda knew that if she returned Sandy to the shelter she would surely be euthanized. With the help of a friend, Amanda found less expensive care, and requested help from us.
While SOS-SRF does not normally help individual owners, we recognize that there can be extenuating circumstances: in Amanda's case, she had only had Sandy for two days. We were pleased to provide the funding for Sandy's treatment. (September 2003)

All the dogs we help are very special, but this little girl really tugged at our heartstrings.
Julie Hoffmann and Jo Bell (Paws 4 Peace) brought Chance to our attention last June. She had been discovered in a deplorable condition, dragging a piece of chain. A small rural shelter realized her potential (and her friendliness to cats!), but recognized her desperate need of medical care for her skin condition. Indy Homes for Huskies took Chance and applied to us for funding. Initially, it looked like mange, perhaps caused by a thyroid imbalance. As well, Chance tested positive for heartworms. Her veterinarian was sure that the heartworm condition could be reversed with treatment, and thought that the skin condition might be the result of stress.
Because of her appearance, Chance was thought to be an older dog, but a geriatric work-up placed her at about 2-3 years old. Her horrible, matted fur was tended to daily by Reyna, a master groomer, who is also Chance's loving foster mom. When Julie saw Chance after Reyna's tender ministrations, she says she almost cried: "Chance now has beautiful strawberry-blond hair covering what used to look like evil acid-burns - her face is still as precious as ever, her legs are woolly, and her tail is starting to fill out. She looks like a different dog until you look into those sweet, soulful eyes! But despite all she's gone through, Chance has maintained hersweet, gentle spirit."
She's a beautiful Siberian Husky mix who nuzzles and licks her foster mom's cats! A very special girl who deserves a very special forever home. We were delighted to help with Chance's treatment. The photos really tell the whole story. Upper left and lower right are the before photos; upper right and lower left are recent photos.(August 2003)

Dakota, a four-year old Siberian Husky mix, was in imminent danger of euthanization when Heather Wilson came to the rescue. Dakota's knee was badly damaged when she was struck by a car and her owners were unwilling to incur medical expenses for her. Heather told us that Dakota is such a wonderful dog that she refused to let that happen.
The surgery was expensive and needed a specialist to repair the ruptured cruciate ligament on her right leg. Dakota had that surgery in July. Her prognosis for a full recovery is good and her leg should have normal function.
The SOS-SRF was pleased to contribute to Dakota's treatment. Heather has a forever home in mind for Dakota once she is fully healed. (August 2003)

Linda Koontz wrote to us about this pretty 5-month old girl with blue eyes. She escaped from her owners' house onto a busy street and suffered severe injuries: she was hit badly in the face and her right hind leg was broken. It was to be expensive surgery that her owners could not afford (they were still paying installments on her purchase!) so they surrendered her to Linda.
Harley had her first surgery on her leg (check out that cast!) and was placed in a foster home, but needed a second procedure a few days later since the pin placed in her leg had migrated (you can't keep a good Siberian puppy down!). Harley is recovering well and Linda reports that she desperately wants to play with the other three Siberians in the household. "The only way to keep her still for 8 hours a night is for either her foster mommy or daddy to sleep and snuggle with her on the couch! Now that's true foster dedication!"
We were very pleased to be able to help this pup. (July 2003)

This poor puppy was discovered in a South Carolina junkyard, emaciated, with a broken leg and a broken jaw. As a result of his injuries he also appeared to be blind and deaf. He was 8 to 10 weeks old. After emergency treatment in SC, Jacki Cornman, President of Carolina Siberian Rescue, arranged to transport Sam (Strikingly Adorable Man) to Raleigh, NC for further care.
Sam's leg and jaw are healing well, and his vision and hearing are gradually returning. His prognosis is excellent for a happy, normal life and he was adopted in mid-July. The SOS-SRF was pleased to provide funding for Sam's many treatments. (June/July 2003)

Conni Tilley writes that Karly came to to her with a dislocated hip. She was tested for heartworms at the the time of her surgery and the results were positive for heartworm disease. Karly is a one-year old gray and white Siberian, a lovely little girl who now has a chance for a happy life. Conni is working with Adopt A Husky Inc. to find a forever home for Karly.
The SOS-SRF provided funding for Karly's surgery and her heartworm treatments. (May 2003)

Teshni and her partner/littermate Akuma had been surviving on their own for about eight months before a series of events brought them to Julie Hoffmann's attention. They were emaciated, but friendly and gentle, and eager for some petting. With the help of two volunteers, Teshni and Akuma were safe and in a foster home. Cathie (foster mom) took them to be tested and Teshni was diagnosed with heartworm disease.
She has had her treatments and is recuperating well and gaining some much needed weight. The SOS-SRF was pleased to provide funding for Teshni's treatment. We hope that she and Akuma will soon find their forever home together. (May 2003)

This pretty lady was suffering severe irritation in her right eye. Upon examination, she was found to be experiencing severe entropion of the right lower eyelid. As her vet explained, "In this condition, the eyelid rolls inward and eyelashes and surrounding fur contact the eye, resulting in chronic irritation. Excessive tearing, pain and corneal pigmentation also occur."
Tasha's surgery to correct this condition was successful. When the sutures were removed, the entropion was resolved and the irritation gone. Tasha no longer moves her head to focus her vision.
The SOS-SRF was pleased to fund Tasha's surgery. (May 2003)

Taz, a two-year old black and white Siberian tested positive for heartworm disease and underwent treatments. Taz made a complete recovery and found his forever home in August. Here he is at an adoption fair with some friends.
The SOS-SRF contributed funds for Taz's heartworm treatment. (May 2003)

Sandra Stealey rescued Skyla from a shelter that was going to euthanize her. Two days after she arrived, someone entered Sandy's property to leave two puppies, and in the process, allowed Skyla to escape. She returned two days later in severe pain. X-rays revealed a fractured pelvis, possibly from a previous encounter with a car. Skyla was treated with an implant (plate and screws) and her prognosis is excellent for a full recovery.
A week after the surgery Skyla had regained her appetite and was dragging Sandy for endless walks around the yard! Sandy writes that "Skyla again has a sparkle in her eye, a plume of a tail, and a spring in her step."
The SOS-SRF provided funding for this surgery. (April 2003)

Armstrong came from a Virginia shelter where an attending veterinarian wanted him saved because she really liked him. Armstrong knows some basic commands and passed an evaluation with flying colors. Sarah Veach met him twice and was pleased with him. At Pet Harbor, Armstrong was tested for heartworms and the results were positive. Because he is in good general health, his prognosis is good for a full recovery. Sarah writes that he is a wonderful boy and will soon be looking for a forever home.
The SOS-SRF assisted with funding for Armstrong's heartworm treatment. (April 2003)

Sage, a pretty two-year old dilute black and white Siberian, suffered a laceration on her right foreleg and a severed lateral tendon which needed immediate attention. The gash was sutured and the tendon reattached. Her prognosis is good for a full recovery. The SOS-SRF paid for Sage's treatment.

Gail Roberts (Willow Run Siberians) wrote us to say that Sage has been adopted: "She has two new 'brothers' (a young red and white Siberian and an 11-year old Malamute). The Mal chose her!" When they all met, Sage "rushed the dogs--her usual way of saying "Hi--let's play!" Gail had some anxious m oments before "the Malamute rolled his eyes then started gently waving his tail. He LOVED her!
"Sage has already been on a camping trip, has made herself at home on her new parents' bed, and has found her favorite perch for watching TV." (February 2003)

Christine Fitzgerald wrote us about a young male with an undescended testicle encased in a certoli cell tumor. It's a rare condition which has resulted in a loss of coat to Yukon's trunk, neck, and tail. The tumor has been removed and a full recovery is expected. Once Yukon's hormone levels return to normal (in a few months), his coat should return. In the meantime, he will be staying with Christine, then will be available for adoption.
Two weeks after his surgery, Christine reports that Yukon's "true personality is beginning to surface . . . now that he can move unhampered by a mass the size of a grapefruit in his groin. He is lively, bouncy, and loves playing rowdy tag with me or my other dogs. No fur yet, but it's early and he has a warm doggie parka to help him though outdoor play/walks. And he's gained 12 lbs. since his surgery!"
The SOS-SRF contributed to Yukon's treatment; we're looking forward to an "after" photo from Christine in a few months. (February 2003)

Update (August 2003): Sadly, Yukon has died. Chris wrote us to say that his decline was rapid and a quick visit to the vet revealed an untreatable cancer. Despite the return of his beautiful coat, Yukon's cancer was growing. Chris had numerous tests done and found that his body was riddled with cancer. As Chris told us, "As gently as he could, the vet said that somebody had to be in the 10 percent that didn't make it. But Yukon. Not Yukon!"
We share both the joy of "our" Siberians as they are healed and find forever homes, and the grief of those caring people who see the dogs they've saved meet a far too early end. We know that these dogs felt love and security in their last months.
Chris speaks eloquently about her beloved Yukon: "We had only begun to have our chance at a long, good life together. He was such a gift. A treasure. (I loved his tail. He held it high & curled like a question mark while patrolling the meadows around my house. I imagined his query: is this where I belong at last? Is my safe place here? Yes. Yes!) He died that day in my arms, unafraid, I think. He knew he was loved; he had found a forever home with me."

Topeka (a dilute red and white female Siberian) had lived her entire three years without proper bladder function. She was born with a renal system deformity, and when Deana Case wrote to us for assistance, Topeka's kidneys were inflamed, her ureters no longer connected to her bladder, and her condition perilous. The SOS-SRF was pleased to be able to help with Topeka's complicated and life-saving surgery.

Here is Topeka with her medical team at the Uplands Animal Hospital. Deana tells us that Topeka is recovering very well: "She's been out in the yard playing with the other dogs and her bladder has begun to show some function." We're looking forward to updates on Topeka and to hearing that she'll soon be well enough to find her forever home. (February 2003)

Update from Topeka's forever home: "I cannot thank you enough for allowing me the privilege of adopting Topeka (I hope you don't mind, but I have given her the nickname "Sally" -- which she has taken to). She is such a sweet and faithful little girl. She is a lot more work than most, but she is so very worth it. In fact, if she was not "broken," her original owners would have kept her and I would have never been able to adopt her.
"Casey and Sally don't really play together but I think that they are a perfect match for those days when I have to work long hours. Sally, just like Casey, loves the dog park and enjoys her time there. Unlike Casey and most Huskies, when it is time to leave the park, Sally, no matter how far away from me, runs over to be leashed up to go home. Casey on the other hand is ready to go only when she decides that she is ready. Well, Casey and I are happy with the new addition to our family." (January 2004)

Julie Bates, a volunteer at this shelter, saw a beautiful Siberian in need of help: Rudy was in danger of being euthanized. With the help of Julie Hoffmann at Southside Animal Shelter, Julie Bates managed to rescue Rudy and find a potential adopter. Meanwhile, she discovered that Rudy had tested positive for heartworms. The SOS-SRF paid for Rudy's heartworm treatment and Julie cared for him during this crucial time. As she writes, "so many of us pulled together to make this happen and we are so close to getting this dog a good home."
And Julie Hoffmann writes that "despite the sadness in his eyes, Rudy is an affectionate dog who seems to keep 'putting his heart out there.' He's a sweet young dog who really deserves to learn that life can be a wonderful thing." (January 2003)

Update (August 2003): We love happy endings! Here's what Rudy's mom wrote us, "Rudy has become one of the family. He is very gentle with both the cat and our daughter. It is quite funny because instead of the dog attacking our cat, Clark, she will go after Rudy. Rudy just ignores her and goes on past. He has really filled out and now I have to be sure not to feed him too much. I don't want a fat dog.
"He has really blossomed since we got him. Even when we travel he goes with us. Rudy goes with me every chance he gets. When he hears my keys, he is right at the door. He loves going to the barn with me to feed the horse. Rudy is a very well mannered dog. He doesn't bark (unless he is really happy). He is so good that he gets to roam around the whole house even when we are gone. He usually just sleeps in his crate. We call it his bedroom. He is very happy with us and we are very happy with him!!! Thank you so much for all you did to help with him. That goes for everyone who helped out!! He has a heart of gold and we are so happy to have him with us."

Cheryl Lentz wrote us about Naya, a young female Siberian, who was diagnosed with Nerve Sheath Tumor (cancer) on her right front leg. Amputation was the only option as the leg was essentially dying. Cheryl and her colleagues managed to secure some funds to assist with Naya's surgery, and the veterinarians involved in the surgery reduced their fees substantially to help Naya--a gesture we all applaud.
Cheryl writes that her recovery is going very well. "She is quite the affectionate and sometimes mischievous little Siberian angel. She finally has had her stitches and staples removed. She has more than peach fuzz now growing back, and she has licks and kisses to offer all who come by. It's good to see her prancing."

The SOS-SRF were pleased to be part of this success story and look forward to hearing about Naya' s adoption very soon! (January 2003)
Update (June 2003): Naya has been adopted! Cheryl Lentz writes "It is with tearful joy that I announce the adoption of our three-legged miracle, Naya. Our little angel has found a wonderful home in California."

Barbara Lukowski wrote us about Robbie, a 3-4 year old Siberian whose leash-clasp malfunctioned when he was being walked by a volunteer at Barbara's kennel. As Barbara told us "Robbie trotted off to the corner and proceeded to cross the crosswalk (smart dog) - except the traffic light had just turned green [for on-coming traffic]." Robbie was struck by a car travelling at 40 mph. Although he suffered no broken bones, he was in shock and had severe trauma to some internal organs. He received critical care for two days The SOS-SRF assisted with Robbie's emergency medical costs. We hope to hear soon that Robbie has found a forever home. (January 2003)