2000 (60 dogs)
Here are the dogs we helped in 2000. We were pleased to make contributions towards their medical expenses to ensure happy and healthy lives for them all.

Apollo (5) and Jasmine (2) were at the Caroline County Animal Shelter. The shelter workers had grown quite attached to them. Both tested
heartworm positive and the SOS-SRF made a contribution towards their treatment. (December 2000)
Siberian Huskies in Need Everywhere (S.H.I.N.E.) - Jester - Virginia
This owner turn-in was heartworm positive. SOS-SRF helped pay for the cost of his tests and treatment. (November 2000)

Blue, a 3 year old, grey and white female, was found tied to a fence, emaciated, dehydrated, and suffering from giardia. The SOS-SRF made a donation towards the cost of her medical treatment. (October 2000)

Prozac was an owner surrender who went into foster care. Full medical information was not disclosed and Prozac had to have surgery for eptopic ureters. She also has a tiny bladder and will need to be on meds for life. The foster home has paid her expenses and the SOS-SRF reimbursed them for a portion of them.
Prozac was adopted by a family with another female Siberian Husky, Cody, and the two have become of the best of buddies. Her new "mom" writes, "...when I look at this little 17month old , 45lbs husky girl who was looking at euthanasia last year....amazing what a wonderful vet and a stubborn group of gals can accomplish with the creators help, eh?" (September 2000)

Kelly does private rescue of Siberian Huskies in her area and had 5 Siberian Huskies from various shelters which had tested heartworm positive. The SOS-SRF made a contribution towards their treatment. (September 2000)

Eva, a two year old, female, was rescued from Burlington Coungy Shelter in Mount Holly, New Jersey. She was diagnosed with heartworm and the SOS-SRF paid for the cost of the treatment. (August 2000)

Ginger, a six year old female from the Waterbury Dog Pound, was rescued by Lydia Crepon in July 2000. She is spayed and heartworm negative but has been diagnosed with diabetes and ketoacidosis. She now requires insulin shots twice daily. The SOS-SRF contributed towards the cost of the initial work-up, diagnosis and treatment at the hospital. (July 2000)

Dakota, an approx. 1 year old male, was rescued by some firefighters in the Espanola area in July 2000. He was heartworm positive but his worst problem was a badly mangled foot that appeared to have been caught in a trap. The SOS-SRF contributed towards the cost of his heartworm treatment and treatment of his foot. He was adopted by a family in Los Alamos. (July 2000)

In June 2000, Amy Gillian took in a seven month old, red and white female named Ginger. She had entropian of the lower lashes and Amy asked if SOS-SRF would pay for the operation to fix this. We approved her application and the surgery was successful. (June 2000)

These puppies were rescued from a breeder who was downsizing and threatening to euthanize the dogs she wouldn't be keeping. Amy Weaver of SnowAngel Rescue took in all the puppies and had them spayed or neutered, vaccinated and treated for ear mites and worms. Some of the puppies required a bit more medical care than others and two were treated for demodex mange. SOS-SRF contributed to the cost of these expenses. (May 2000)

In May 2000, Lucky, an 8-month old Sibe mix, was rescued from a humane society in May moments before he was due to be euthanized. He appeared to be suffering from kennel cough but it turned out to be pneumonia. The SOS-SRF made a contribution towards the cost of hospitalization and vet bills. As Lucky was complete unsocialized and very afraid of people and other animals, he was taken to the Heart and Soul Animal Sanctuary in Santa Fe. They have a good record of rehabilitating abused animals. (May 2000)

Gracie was hit by a car in Raleigh NC and taken to Wake County Small Animal Emergency Clinic by a good samaritan on the night of April 30, 2000. She had a series of fractures around her left hip socket which threatened to rupture her colon. Surgery was estimated at $1200. The members of Sibernet held an impromptu "Gracie-A-Thon" for her hip surgery on May 12 and raised most of the funds. The SOS-SRF offered to make up any shortfall and assist with after-surgery care. Gracie came through the surgery with flying colours and is recuperating nicely in the care of foster Dad Tim Buchanan. (May 2000)

A Bracebridge area northern breeds rescue closed down due to lack of funds and Heather Brennan, the rescue co-ordinator with the SHCC assisted with assessing and placing the dogs including arranging for vaccinations and spaying and neutering. The SOS-SRF made a major contribution toward the medical expenses. (May 2000)

Breaker had cataracts in both eyes and required surgery to prevent more severe eye problems and to increase his chances of being adopted into a good home. He has made very good progress following his surgery in early May and should be ready for placement in mid-summer. The SOS-SRF made a donation towards the cost ot his surgery.
Update: Breaker has been adopted.

10-year old Champ was heartworm positive and having socialization problems as a foster dog and was due to be returned to the shelter for euthanization. Shirley Lamarco and her Angels of the Snow volunteered to take him in early January, 2000. He was started on heartworm treatment and when that was complete was neutered and had his teeth cleaned. He had to be boarded during his heartworm treatment because he got overly excited by Shirley's dogs. He was adopted by Dana and John Evans from Connecticut in early April and is proving to be a real gentleman.
The SOS-SRF made a significant donation towards his medical expenses. (February 2000)

In February 2000, this fledging rescue operation ran into difficulties when Doug Knott was hospitalized and had to redirect funds intended for rescue to pay hospital bills. The SOS-SRF sent 6 bags of Pro Plan (and 3 bags of IAMS due to an pets.com order mix-up) from a pets.com "buy one, get one free" offer. (February 2000)

Lorraine Healy was helping to transport two Siberian Husky puppies (Togo and Balto, 9 weeks) when they became sick and had to be rushed to the vet. They were diagnosed with parvo and treated successfully and have been adopted together. Shortly after, she rescued a family of Siberian Huskies - 2 year old Mom and Dad and four 6-month old puppies) who were extremely malnourished and required some medical care. The puppies have all been adopted but the parents are still available. The SOS-SRF made a major contribution towards the cost of these two rescue situations. (January 2000)

The SOS-SRF and the SHCA shared the cost of hosting the Siberian Husky Rescue Site for 1999-2000. The site was moved from its free "Prodogs" location and onto a commercial provider after difficulties with the "Prodogs" ISP.