2004 (31 dogs)
Here are the dogs we helped in 2004. We were pleased to make contributions towards their medical expenses to ensure happy and healthy lives for them all.

Cody is a handsome 7-year old male turned in with three other dogs by his owner. The others were euthanized for medical reasons. Julie Hoffmann pulled Cody and found he was heartworm positive. In addition, Cody was suffering from an eye problem which was diagnosed as entropion: an eyelid curling inward which caused his lashes and hair to irritate his eye and give him considerable discomfort.
Cody has been treated successfully for both his heartworm condition and the entropion. Julie reports that he is in excellent health (other than some worn teeth), and that Cody has beautiful new fur in areas formerly bald due to conditions related to his heartworm. He is currently with a very loving foster father. (December 2004)

Molly was flown up to Missouri from an Arkansas rescue to be with Linda Stookey's Siberian rescue in St. Louis. This pretty little girl was heartworm positive. Linda tried to find a rescue-friendly veterinarian in her area willing to give a rescue discount for Molly's treatment. But to no avail. So she turned to SOS-SRF. We were happy to help!
Molly's prognosis is good and Linda hopes to find a loving, forever home for Molly very soon. (December 2004)

Willow is a four-year old grey and white girl with brown eyes who was pulled from an Indiana shelter. She was emaciated (see photo on left), heartworm positive, with a very bad cough. Euthanization was recommended. But Willow had displayed the heart of a survivor, despite her deterioration. And Julie Hoffmann describes her as a "sweet and gentle dog." Julie found a wonderful foster home for her. While Willow gained weight and her cough improved, she suffered some alarming setbacks due to her heartworm infestation. After a course of antibiotics and steroids, she was ready for the heartworm treatment. She is expected to make a full recovery. (See photo at right)
Willow's foster parents failed "Fostering 101." They write, " she's found her way into our hearts and there's no way we could let her go now." (November 2004)>

Sadie is a young black and white girl who was picked up as a stray and pulled from a shelter in Virginia. She was scheduled to be euthanized because of her Level 2 heartworm diagnosis. In addition, Sadie's sight is impaired by cataracts. Donna writes that Sadie is "sweet and even-tempered in spite of being stuck in a burned-out house for three days and sight-impaired from cataracts. She is highly adoptable." SOS-SRF paid for Sadie's heartworm treatment and Donna is investigating treatment - and funding - for Sadie's cataracts. (November 2004)

A good samaritan found this pretty young girl with a broken jaw and an injured leg. Faith needed emergency surgery on her jaw (which involved wiring/setting of the jaw). In addition, she was found to be heartworm positive. Faith is now fully recovered from both her jaw injury and the heartworm treatment. And she has found her forever home. (November 2004)

Kodi, a four-year old black and white male Siberian, was picked up as a stray and pulled from a shelter in SC where he had been scheduled to be euthanized. He had a severe infestation of heartworms (Level 3). X-rays showed Kodi's arteries and heart to be enlarged nearly three times the norm as a result of the worms. Kodi has been treated successfully, although it may be a year before his arteries return to normal size. While in rescue, Kodi was adopted by a loving family in Virginia.
We wish Kodi a long and healthy life. (November 2004)

Nikola is a three-year old white, male Siberian. Unfortunately, his lovely blue eyes required surgery to correct a condition known as entropion, a medical condition which describes the rolling inwards of the lower eyelid and eyelashes towards the eye. In Nikola's case, both eyes were affected. The skin of the eyelid and eyelashes rub against the cornea and cause intense irritation. Untreated, the condition can lead to scarring, infection, crusting of the eyelid, and impaired vision. Not to mention pain!
Nikola was treated successfully and is recuperating well. (October 2004)

Grizzly is a young red and white Siberian who was adopted from a shelter in Georgia. His new dad took him for a veterinary checkup on the way home, and discovered that Grizzly was heartworm positive. He has been treated successfully and is enjoying life with his new dad. (October 2004

Sassy is a young grey and white girl who was adopted from a rescue organization. Sassy's new mother took her in for a checkup because she'd seen a lump under Sassy's tongue. It turned out to be a blocked salivary gland that needed to be removed. Her vet declared her to be "a wonderful patient" and expects a full recovery.
Her new mother told us that "two days after the surgery, she is almost back to normal, playing with our other Husky, and eating well." (October 2004)

Cassidy is a young black and white male Siberian rescued from a local shelter. He was diagnosed with heartworms, treated, and is expected to make a full recovery. Cassidy is currently in foster care and available for adoption. (October 2004)

This little baby has lived a rough life in his short three months. Colby is a black and white blue-eyed Siberian puppy whose "parents" purchased him from a local pet store. Two weeks later, they took him to a shelter to be euthanized. Why? Because his leg was broken. It seems that Colby was kept in the backyard and left to the mercy of neighbourhood children--and his leg just "got broke." Fortunately, the shelter (a no-kill shelter) contacted Erica Mascarello of S.H.I.N.E. who took him to her vet who repaired the fracture. Because the leg had been broken--and untreated--for probably over a week, the vet did say that growth in the leg may not be normal.
All of us here hope that Colby recovers well and that he will indeed have full function of his leg. He must, after all, experience the Siberian joy of chasing squirrels and bunnies! That'll be incentive enough to make his leg work well! (October 2004)

Boone is a young two-year old Siberian who was found as a stray. He tested positive for heartworms. Geri Sipes writes that "he was pulled by one of our foster members." Boone was about to be euthanized, but thanks to Geri and the foster mom (who fell in love with him), he was saved.
Boone's prognosis is excellent and Sue (his foster mom) writes that he is doing very well. She describes him as "a very sweet boy and so well behaved." (September 2004)

Paco, a young red and white boy, arrived at the Ingham County Animal Shelter as a stray in August. After two weeks there, Nancy Van Lue was notified that he was ill. Paco had been an outside dog and "his ears were bloody and scabbed, with the tip of one almost completely gone from fly bites or frostbite." She managed to take him to a vet who also diagnosed him with heartworm disease. His treatment began almost immediately and his prognosis is excellent.
Nancy describes Paco as a "wonderful, sweet, and funny boy. He is good tempered and good with other dogs. I will keep him safe until he is able to find his forever home." (September 2004)

Shay is a two-year old Siberian Husky mix. She was diagnosed with severe glaucoma in her left eye which necessitated removal of the eye. Geri Sipe wrote us about Shay, and was very concerned about the need to have this surgery done as quickly as possible since the condition was severe.
We hope that pretty Shay finds her forever home soon. (September 2004)

These beautiful young Siberians were owner-surrenders and had been sadly neglected. They were diagnosed with heartworms. Frazier (right) had not been neutered and Nesha (left) had not been spayed. Neither dog was up to date on the normal vaccinations.
They have been treated and their prognosis is excellent. (September 2004 )

Atka is a young boy with brown eyes, taken into rescue after suffering severe neglect by his previous owners. Jane Kitchen found him in his crate "prone and non-responsive ... with bloody excrement around his rear end." She rushed him to her vet clinic where he was treated for viral enteritis (with diarrhoea, collapse, and hyperthermia). His condition was critical, but ten days later, Jane wrote us ecstatically that Atka had made a full recovery. And no one really expected him to survive. "Atka is eating, drinking, woo-wooing, and wanting to play. He's had normal 'poop' for the past two days, and I never thought I would be so excited about dog poop, but I am!"
Jane is looking for a wonderful forever home for this very special boy. As Jane told us, "Atka should inspire all those who give up hope on their loved ones. His name has great meaning: Atka is a guardian spirit and he must have had someone guarding him." (September 2004)

This young two-year old boy was found as a stray by some children who called a local humane society about him. Julie Bates was notified and had Yuri vet-checked. He tested positive for heartworms. Julie describes him as "a beautiful dog with a wonderful disposition. He will be very adoptable once treated." Yuri is a young, strong dog and his prognosis is excellent. He will be available for adoption through Indy Homes for Huskies. (August 2004)

Suki (along with Nakita, Athena, and Athena's three pups) was one of seven Siberians abandoned at a farmhouse. Suki is a two-year old brown-eyed girl. When she was examined, the veterinarian discovered a tumour on her right front leg. It was removed and biopsied. The diagnosis was a "nerve sheath tumour." As serious as this is (because it may recur locally), this cancer does not normally metastasize if it is low grade--as Suki's is.
We were pleased to help with Suki's surgical expenses, and wish her a long, happy, and healthy life. (June 2004)
Update: "Thought I'd send this update out on Suki (now Etana) who received support from SOS-SRF in 2004 for a tumor removal. "She got to take part as flower girl in her adoptive folks wedding a couple of months ago. We've posted a few pictures here. As you can tell- she and her fur brother have a rough life!".

It seems that this lovely nine-month old pup was a target for shotgun practice. She was rescued from a Tennessee animal shelter and X-rays revealed fragments in both rear legs from a shotgun spray. Her veterinarians recommended an operation described as a "femoral head ostectomy." Kyria was losing muscle in her left rear leg (she was not using it due to pain) and the gunshot fragment in her right leg posed serious problems in the future.
Kyria's prognosis is good for a pain-free life with functional limbs.
Marcia Horne reports that her surgery went well, but that Kyria will have a fairly long recovery period. She has many people interested in her welfare: "Kyria is young and in very good spirits for all that has happened to her. She loves people and other dogs ... I know I could find her a good forever home. I would like to make it one where such a happy spirit is not in pain."
We were very pleased to help this beautiful pup, and hope that she finds her forever home soon. (June 2004)

This young blue-eyed boy was picked up as a stray and found to be positive for heartworms. While he was exhibiting some right front limb lameness, he was healing nicely, so the medical concern was focused on his heartworm diagnosis. Fortunately, it is at an early stage and Jake's prognosis for recovery is excellent.
The SOS-SRF were pleased to help with Jake's treatment. (May 2004)
P.S. Jake is lucky: he has a forever home lined up. His foster mother just failed "fostering 101.

Athena, a two-year old girl with brown eyes, was one of seven Siberians rescued at the same location. They had all been abandoned--including her three pups. Athena was diagnosed with Class 1 heartworms and underwent treatment in April. Her prognosis for recovery is excellent. (May 2004)
Update (August 2005): It took over a year but Athena finally found her forever home with a medical student named Sam. They enrolled in the dog-children therapy class at Riley Children's Hospital and Sam got Athena a scrubs costume and stethoscope to wear around her neck. She is well-behaved in the apartment and goes running and strolling with Sam along the canal. Athena is Queen of the Canal Walk downtown. Of course, would you think she'd have it any other way? Her Dad, Sam, says Athena thinks she owns the estate around the canal. They are having a blast together!

Nakita, a young girl with brown eyes, was in foster care when she was discovered to have heartworms with complications. Although treated by a veterinarian, it appears Nakita had adverse reactions to the older medication given, resulting in emergency treatment at another animal hospital where she was diagnosed with Class 2 heartworm disease. A month later, Nakita is doing very well and her prognosis is excellent.
We were pleased to be able to help Nakita and to hear that she is in her forever home. (May 2004 )

Aspen is a one-year old black and white Siberian who was pulled from a local shelter with a badly swollen and damaged left eye--probably caused by a trauma to her head. When she was examined by an ophthalmic surgeon, he described her condition: "the eye was enlarged and there appeared to be complete retinal separation with the eye filled with transluscent brown fluid." Aspen's eye could not be repaired, and the ophthalmic surgeon recommended its removal.
Once her eye was removed, Aspen's pain subsided. She's had some adjusting to do to compensate for the loss of sight on her left side, but her foster mother describes her as a sweetheart. Recently, Aspen attended a large outdoor dog event designed to introduce various breeds to the public. Although she was a bit intimidated by all the dogs at first, the event was good socialization for her. And she loved all her tummy rubs! Her foster mom describes her as a quick learner, willing to please.
We were pleased to help Aspen with her surgical costs and hope to hear that she'll soon be in her forever home. And we'll look forward to a happier, "coneless" photo we can post! (April 2004)

This black and white woolly boy was a stray with no collar or tags. He was hit by a car and taken to a local shelter which had no funds to treat him. Lakoda was destined for euthanization, but the shelter decided to call Suzy Taylor at Free Spirit Rescue to see if she could help. Suzy picked him up immediately and took him for treatment. The attending veterinarian administered pain medication for Lakoda's detached left hip and left femur fracture, and performed surgery the next day. Despite his pain, Lakoda was a gentle dog giving generous kisses to his caregivers.
Lakoda is now in foster care with Sandy Stealy and is making good progress. The pin in his leg will be removed in a few weeks. Suzy writes that he is "happy and well. . .and has a sparkle in those baby blues that was not there before." And Sandy has been amazed by his rapid recovery as well. She writes enthusiastically about this brave boy and knows he will make a forever family very happy.
Update - October 2004: Kody required further surgery - a hip ostectomy to repair his chronically dislocated hip, and surgery on his left femur. Kody's prognosis is excellent for a happy, healthy life.

Big Red is about five years old. He's a large red and white woolly with blue eyes. Linda Koontz (SFSHR) writes that "he was pulled from animal control just minutes away from being euthanized." He was matted and full of fleas and ticks. A persistent cough warranted antibiotics, but when the condition continued, and when Big Red also exhibited urinary and nasal bleeding, his foster mother had him checked out.
After several tests--including radiographs and ultrasound--Big Red was discovered to have an enlarged prostate and an undescended testicle. His veterinarian explained that " a retained testicle increases the chances of that testicle becoming cancerous by tenfold."
Big Red has had his surgery and is recovering well. His prognosis is good. His vet describes him as "bright" and "alert." Linda calls him "an awesome boy ... he's such a big sweetheart. He's touched a lot of volunteers' hearts." Big Red enjoyed the daily visits with the volunteers who brought him roasted or boiled chicken and veggies.
Big Red's surgery was expensive and the SOS-SRF was delighted to help with funding for him. We wish him a long and happy life. (April 2004)

Bodi is a 6.5 year old black and white lady with blue eyes who was in foster care for a month when her foster mom realized that something was wrong. A vet check showed that Bodi was suffering from mammary tumours which could be cancerous. Bodi's was specialized surgery (by a TUFTS veterinarian). The tumours were removed (they *were* cancerous), but had not metastasized. Her prognosis is excellent. And Amy (foster mom) describes her as a wonderful dog and loving companion.
We were pleased to help Bodi to allow her many more years of a healthy life. (April 2004)

Josiah is a young (2-year old) black and white Siberian with blue eyes who was found by the side of a road by a good samaritan who took him to the nearest veterinarian. Josiah was suffering from a broken rear leg and the injury was at least two weeks old. The attending veterinarian recognized the complexity of the surgery necessary, and at this point, Julie Bates (Indy Homes for Huskies) stepped in to organize specialized treatment for Josiah. He has undergone the initial surgery to repair the fracture(s) since he was in obvious pain. A second surgery to remove the pins holding the bone and muscle together will be performed in six weeks. Josiah's prognosis is excellent, and he should be ready for adoption in early June.
We were very pleased to contribute to Josiah's surgery and hope that he will soon be enjoying an active, pain-free life in a loving home. (March 2004)

Gidget is a young red and white female Siberian with blue eyes, rescued by Jim Sheerin who has been active for several months in rescuing Siberians from dog auctions (see additional pictures on his site). Gidget was diagnosed with heartworms and is currently undergoing treatment. Because of her age and general good health, her prognosis is excellent. Gidget will be available for adoption once her treatment is complete.
The SOS-SRF paid for Gidget's heartworm treatment and commend Jim on finding a veterinarian, Dr. Jim McMinn of the Cabool Vet Clinic, who charged a very nominal fee for this. (January 2004)

Kola is a one-year-old, black and white, bi-eyed girl who was diagnosed with a "left forelimb angular deformity resulting from a premature growth late closure of the ulnar bone." Beth Spradley, Kola's foster mom, believes that Kola may have sustained an injury at a young age which caused this condition. Beth describes her as "very affectionate;" she "adores snuggling up next to her people, will do anything for a treat, loves playing with the other dogs in her foster home and going on walks, and has a fun, feisty attitude."
But Kola "risks long-term damage to her joints if her deformity is not corrected." Kola requires expensive surgery - an osteotomy - with an orthopedic veterinarian. With this surgery, her prognosis is excellent. She will remain with Beth, her foster mom, until she has fully recuperated, and then will be placed for adoption in a carefully-screened forever home. Beth writes that Kola's "personality and enthusiasm for life are enormous. Kola is a very adoptable Siberian who will undoubtedly make a wonderful companion pet for the right Husky household."
We were pleased to assist with expenses for Kola's surgery and wish her a long, healthy, happy, and pain-free life! (February 2004)

Kenai was found in early February wandering around a shopping mall parking lot. Mall security reported that he'd been there for several days. Jennifer Ainsworth picked him up and had him vet-checked. Kenai is 18 months old, a black and white Siberian with brown eyes, and he is heartworm positive.
Because he is young and in good health, his prognosis is very good, and there is a potential family ready to adopt him once his treatment is complete.
The SOS-SRF assisted with this treatment. We look forward to hearing an update soon! (February 2004)

Chance is a six-year-old male, black and white Siberian with blue eyes. Sadly, and appallingly, his story is all too familiar: his owners moved and left him tied to a tree on an empty lot. Eileen Kent took charge of the situation and had him checked by her vet. Chance was found to have hookworms, a lung inflammation, and heartworms.
His prognosis with a "split treatment" for heartworms "should result in a positive outcome" (according to his veterinarian who believes that this is "a safer regimen for patients showing evidence of lung or heart involvement from heartworms").
The SOS-SRF was pleased to help Chance with his heartworm treatment, and we sincerely hope that he soon finds a forever home that will show him only love and companionship. (February 2004)