2002 (21 dogs)
Here are the dogs we helped in 2002. We were pleased to make contributions towards their medical expenses to ensure happy and healthy lives for them all.

Kuma arrived at the DVSHR due to his owners' unfortunate financial problems and Angel came from an animal shelter. Both tested positive for heartworms, but their prognosis is good and they are being well cared for during treatment. Laura Briggs writes that they will be easily placed in homes after recovery. Although Angel is a bit shy, she is good with other dogs; Kuma has lived with cats (!), birds, two other Siberians, and children. The SOS-SHR was pleased to be able to help with heartworm expenses for these two. We hope they'll soon be in their forever homes. (December 2002)
Update (February 2003): Kathy Walker from DVSHR wrote to tell us that the heartworm treatments for both Angel and Kuma were successful and that Angel went to her "forever" home in early February. Kuma is "romping joyfully in the snow ... practising for his new home."

Linda Koontz wrote to us about Jesse, a 9-month old owner turn-in, who was in foster care for two days when her foster parents noticed Jesse's mobility problems. X-rays revealed juvenile hip dysplasia in both hips which necessitated drastic surgery due to very shallow hip pockets. Untreated, J esse would have remained in unbearable pain, and with atrophying muscles, been unable to walk. Hers was a prognosis of early euthanasia. The SOS-SRF funded this surgery. Two months later, Jesse is recovering beautifully from this first hip surgery, and is scheduled for surgery on her other hip. Much to Linda's delight, Jesse's foster parents have decided to keep this sweet and spunky girl.

Linda writes that Jesse is such a sweetheart, and that she's found "the most loving, caring, patient people to be with." But Jesse's new dad should have the last words: "We' ve been through so much with her and now we have a long road to recovery. We just love her dearly. It would take the entire 101st Airborne Division to pry her away from us!" (December 2002)
Update (July 2003) - Six months after her surgery, Jesse is enjoying the company of her new best friend, Ozzie. Jesse and Ozzie are inseparable and Jesse is the one who instigates the rough play with the 75-lb., eight-month old Ozzie.

Rita Young-Jones pulled this dog from the pound and arranged with the clinic nearby to have all shots, worming, heartworm, and neutering done. Cisco had a hidden testicle so neutering expenses were more than expected. The SOS-SRF funded the extra cost. (December, 2002)

A couple of good samaritans rescued Tremor from a convenience store parking lot in Birmingham, where he was scrounging for food. In having him vet-checked, Jennifer Fieselman, adoption coordinator for TEARS, learned that Tremor had tested high positive for heartworms. TEARS rescues many heartworm positive dogs, but treatment is expensive and funds are low. Jennifer applied to SOS-SRF for help, and also asked her vet if he would consider a discount for this young boy. The vet was very optimistic about the success of Tremor's treatment--and also gave Jennifer a discount!
Jennifer writes that he will be in a very experienced foster home during treatment and will be kept as quiet as possible: "He is so sweet and is a real 'people' dog who enjoys constant company." She's looking forward to sending us updates about his progress, and to finding him a "forever" home with the companionship he craves.
SOS-SRF provided the funds to treat this handsome boy! We all wish Tremor the very best for a full recovery and a happy life. (November, 2002)
Update (March 2003): Jennifer Davis sent us the happy news that Tremor has been adopted. She writes that "he is loved and spoiled and soooo happy!" (And he sent us lots of kisses.)

What a change! Logan, an approximately 2-year old wooly Siberian, was found as a stray and befriended by Julie Hoffmann, a volunteer at the Southside Animal Shelter in Indianapolis. Logan had tested positive for heartworms and Julie applied to the SOS-SRF for assistance. As you can see in this photo, this beautiful woolly was also riddled with painful mats and burrs, and would flinch when Julie tried to pet him.
Julie had him clipped and groomed (but not shaved), and found a wonderful home for him in Frankfort, Il. with Mary, who decided a year ago that she wanted a Siberian. Mary had done her homework on the breed and had spent the last six months looking for "just the right one" for her. Logan is now happily a member of an extended family who live close by and can give him frequent walks when Mary is at work. And he also has his "Auntie Kim," Mary's good friend, who found Logan's picture online and sent it to Mary.
Julie is grateful for the support of Adopy a Husky Inc. in helping with this adoption. The SOS-SRF provided funding for Logan's heartworm treatment and for the very necessary removal of the mats and burrs to make Logan pain-free. (September 2002)

Update (January 2004): Mary says, "He is truly an awesome dog! We run daily in an open field, and when I wake up from my dream, I put him on his leash, and take him for his daily walk."

Suzanne Barnhart wrote us about this heartworm-positive young boy. Hers is a fledgling 501(c)3 organization based in Texas, working throughout the U.S., and devoted to rescuing Siberians. We wish her every success in this new endeavour.
Suzanne writes that Copper was a pound boy when she first visited him. She fell in love with him. "He'd look me straight in the eye with no malice or fear--just what looked like despair and an amazing gentleness." Apart from being diagnosed with heartworm, Copper also had a massive ear infection (both ears). X-rays revealed that Copper had also been shot in the chest, shoulder, and back hip with a high-powered BB gun.

Both Suzanne and the vet assistant were completely convinced that Copper deserved treatment and a loving home. Copper's last heartworm treatment was in October, and Suzanne has found his "forever" home with Lauren and her family, and a protective black Lab called CJ, who is looking out for his new brother.
Lauren stays in touch with Suzanne and writes that "Copper has settled in very nicely and seems to be as joyful and carefree as any dog who had been loved from day one." But Suzanne must have the last word on Copper: "He has turned out to be the most amazingly strong and courageous dog that I have ever met. So, it is with pride that I tell his story at least three times a week!"
Both SOS-SRF and Adopt A Husky, Inc. provided funds for Copper's heartworm treatment. (October 2002)

Kimberlee Sharpless requested financial help for a gorgeous 2-year old Siberian called Pacer who had tested positive for heartworms. Kimberlee's organization is a non profit 501c(3) group. She is grateful for the cooperative assistance of local veterinarians who offer reduced fees for rescue animals, but her organization relies heavily on donations to provide help for as many Siberians as possible.
Pacer was owner-surrendered due to illness, and is quite the character! Kim writes that he is very affectionate and loves to carry his fuzzy toy with him when he goes outside. "He'll hold the leash in his mouth and walk you. His beautiful blue eyes twinkle with that Siberian mystery and mischief."
SOS-SRF provided funds for Pacer's treatment. We hope to hear an update from Kim soon about a forever home for this handsome and loving boy. (October 2002)

Update (February 2003): Pacer has found his forever home with two other redheads: Pam and Bear (Pam's Chow Chow). In updating us, Kim writes that "Pacer is doing wonderfully well. He has a harem of stuffed toys, and enjoys playing tug of war with Bear." We wish Pam, Bear and Pacer a happy life together.

Kiki's owner dumped her in the country and she was picked up by Elizabeth Blowers. Kiki, a two year old female, was dirty, skinny, dehydrated, in heat, and scared. Elizabeth arranged to have Kiki spayed and treated for heartworms and is fostering her. To complicate her recovery, she managed to find and eat most of a box of mouse bait so had to have vitamin K treatments. She is now doing fine and looking for a permanent home. The SOS-SRF helped to fund part of the cost of her heartworm treatment.(August 2002)
Update (December 2002): Kiki went to her forever home shortly before Christmas and made herself immediately at home by "christening" the Christmas tree, bossing her new big Siberian brother (Bambino), and snuggling on the couch with her new mom and dad. Kiki's new mom says she's making herself quite at home--Siberian style. Thanks to Elizabeth Blowers for the update.

Casey is a shelter dog who came to the attention of one of the workers. Lisa contacted the SOS-SRF to see if we would help pay for the cost of heartworm treatment for Casey as she was sure she could talk the shelter into keeping him alive if this were done. Adopt a Husky, Inc. is working with Lisa to help find a foster or permanent home for Casey and also made a contribution towards his heartworm treatment. (August 2002)
Update (September 2002) Casey was taken by Ridgewater College to use in their veterinary assistant training program. Apparently, the students practise giving shots, cleaning teeth, neutering, etc. on these animals and then find them good homes when all the procedures are complete. He has been renamed Hudson and has had follow-up heartworm medications, and x-rays were done on his legs and hips. He has degenerative joint disease in his right front elbow and walks with a limp, which he will always have. He is currently on Glycoflex and can still scale a 6 foot fence with the best Siberian Husky escape artists. Ridgewater has contacted AAHI for assistance in finding him a permanent home.

Update (December 2002): Hudson was adopted and now lives with a family who adores him. Amy Preuss writes that although he is on joint supplements for arthritis and a chronic dislocation of his elbow, he is healthy and happy, and doing wonderfully well in his new forever home.

Yodel was found abandoned along a roadside in Minneapolis. She was severely overweight (50-60 lbs) and could barely walk. She requires ACL surgery on both her knees but this cannot be done until her weight is reduced. In three months she has lost 30 pounds and will soon be able to have the surgery. A more complete story on her can be found at the link above. St. Francis of Assisi Animal Rescue has a special fund for Yodel and the SOS-SRF made a matching contribution towards the cost of the surgery. (July 2002)

When Little Girl was rescued from the shelter she was in pain because both her ears were bent over due to large hematomas that had been left untreated for an unknown length of time. It was determined that she needed surgery to repair the injuries but it was not possible to restore both her ears to their upright state. Her right ear will always be floppy. The SOS-SRF paid for this surgery. (June 2002)

Jack, a 10 week old husky mix, was found on a roadside left for dead. He had either been hit by a car or badly beaten. He required treatment for shock, and was given fluids, x-rays, checkups, shots, deworming, pain meds, antibiotics and boarding until he was well. Michele applied for funds to pay the balance of his vet bills, which we provided. (June 2002)

Laura, a student in Michigan, rescued Ice on behalf of Angels of the Snow. Ice was heartworm positive, so Laura arranged to have her treated. The SOS-SRF made a major contribution to this expense. Laura also arranged to have Ice spayed on completion of her heartworm treatment and has found her a permanent home. Ice and her new family are pictured on the left. (May 2002)

Emma was pulled from Virginia Beach Animal Control with her 6-day-old puppy mix, whom she gave birth to while in Animal Control, by a Good Samaritan on the day of scheduled euthanization. S.H.I.N.E. arranged to have Emma spayed and the SOS-SRF paid for the additional expense of having mammary tumours removed at the same time. Both Emm and her puppy, Emily, have found permanent homes. (April 2002)

Penny found Dolly on the highway in December. Dolly had been hit by a car and her left front leg was broken in 2 places. Penny took her to the vet, found a foster home for her, and applied for help to pay the bills from the SOS-SRF. We made a significant contribution towards the bills. Her cast was removed in January. In March she was taken to the vet to be spayed and never woke up after the surgery. She was under 2 years of age. Penny and Dolly's foster family were heartbroken. The 14 year old had been teaching her "social skills" and good manners since she had never been around people much it seemed. "How sad ... she was never loved. But she was surely loved in her last three months on earth! She was so special and we all agreed that she had taught us all more than we thought we already knew about love, compassion and patience. The son cared for Dolly every day, proudly taking her for daily walks through the neighborhood when she was in her cast and then afterwards." (March 2002)

Quinn, a young black and white male was rescued from Animal Services by Molly hours before he was to be euthanized. He was very underweight, covered in fleas and ticks, and suffering from pneumonia. You can read his full story by clicking on the link above. The SOS-SRF made a substantial contribution to pay the many vet bills incurred in nursing him back to health.(February 2002)

Kara, is a strawberry blond Siberian Husky/Collie mix who was rescued from a shelter just hours before she was due to be euthanized. During the routine vet check, a number of mammary cysts were found and removed. THE SOS-SRF paid for this additional expense. (January 2002)

Tasha was turned over to the shelter by her owners for "killing chickens." Although fairly healthy, she was suffering from a urinary infection and urine crystals which were causing urinary incontinence. A one month treatment of antibiotics, special prescription food diet, and follow up urinalysis was prescribed. She is continuing with the next phase of prescription diet food to regulate her urine pH level and is on PPA for her urinary incontinence, which is under control with that medication. The SOS-SRF made a major donation towards her medical expenses. Tasha found her forever home in late January. (January 2002)

Bill Ridgway in Virginia found a dog lying by the side of the road and took him in. This dog, now known as Sergei, had been hit by a car resulting in a leg broken in three places. Bill paid for his orthopedic surgery and neutering (over $1000) and found a foster home for Sergei. He says the foster home is close to finding a good home for the dog. The SOS-SRF made a major contribution to the cost of his surgery. (January 2002)

Kellee Valinski rescued Bria from a shelter in Maryland. She was discovered to be heartworm positive. Treatment was complicated by the fact that she was also suffering from pneumonia, but she is now on the road to good health. According to Kellee, she will be ready to go to a new home as soon as soon as the vet says it's ok. The SOS-SRF assisted with the cost of the heartworm treatment. (January 2002)

Magnum's owners moved and left him as a "housewarming gift" for the new owners. When they moved in 5 days later, Magnum was in poor shape having been cooped up in a small outdoor kennel without food, water or shelter. He also had a tumour on his shoulder that had never been treated. Fortunately for Magnum, the new owners had a friend who worked in a veterinary hospital and she was able to arrange for medical care and removal of the tumor by a visiting veterinary student. He did the work for free and the only costs were for surgical supplies. Joanne also arranged to have Magnum looked after over the Christmas break and he ended up in the Branham household. On Christmas day he required an emergency vet visit because the sutures in his shoulder had opened. Barb and Mike had intended only to look after Magnum until he was well enough to be fostered as they already had four female huskies. However, the potato chip syndrome struck and Magnum has now found his permanent home. You can read his complete story by clicking here. The SOS-SRF paid for Magnum's surgery and for his emergency visit on Christmas Day. (2001/2002)

In 2002, the SOS-SRF and the SHCA shared the cost of hosting the Siberian Husky Rescue Site with Betty Anne Shores.