2016 (38 dogs)
Here are the dogs we helped in 2016. We were pleased to make contributions towards their medical expenses to ensure happy and healthy lives for them all.
Please click on the Funding Requirements link on the left if you have a rescue dog that needs out of the ordinary medical treatment. Please make sure you read and understand our requirements prior to making an application. The link to the rescue application is at the end of the requirements.

Oso is a year old and his story is heartbreaking. As Julie wrote us, it's a story of neglect and abuse.
Oso got loose from his family and was struck by a car. He suffered a fractured leg but instead of taking him for treatment, his owners fashioned a crude splint and tied him up outside for a month to see if the fracture would heal. It was only when he was crying with pain and the owners noticed the suppurating wound and foul smell, that they surrendered Oso to Julie's rescue.
We were very happy to provide funding to help with Oso's surgery. (December 2016)

This young black and white woolly needed surgery for a twice-dislocated hip. This rescue is to be commended for raising a substantial amount for Tux's surgery which we were happy to match. (December 2016)

These two pups had been purchased from a breeder and were diagnosed with parvo virus shortly after. The owners did take them for treatment which was unsuccessful so they surrendered the pups to Husky House. They were very ill, but did recover.
Both Baby Emma and Baby Charming were 10 weeks old when treated and can now look forward to a long and happy life. We were pleased to help fund their treatment. (December 2016)
Tall Tails Rescue - Oakley - Oklahoma

<<< Oakley is two-years old and had suffered multiple injuries which necessitated emergency surgery on his tail: it had to be amputated.
We funded this in part and Oakley is now recovering in foster care. (December 2016)
Tall Tails Rescue - Jake - Oklahoma >>>Jake is a year old and was pulled from an Oklahoma shelter. He tested positive for heartworms. Jamie writes that he has a potential adopter once he has recovered.
We were pleased to provide funding from the Julie Moreland Heartworm Fund for Jake's treatment. (December 2016)

Peg writes that she pulled 10-year old Quanik from a shelter. She was heartworm positive. Quanik was treated and her prognosis was good. We were happy to help this older lady with monies from the Julie Moreland Heartworm Fund. (October 2016)
Update: Sadly, Quanik died in early December.

Shila is two years old and was diagnosed with heartworms. We were pleased to provide funding in full from the Julie Moreland Heartworm Fund. (October 2016)
Update: Akman has been adopted. We've received a picture of two happy people and a very happy dog. (February 2017)

October brought us a surprising number of applications for heartworm funding. Akela was no exception. He was an 8-year old stray, pulled from a shelter and found to be heartworm positive. As well, he had dog bite infections, worms and maggots.
His treatment was paid in full from the Julie Moreland Heartworm Fund. (October 2016)

Akman is a black and white two-year old who tested positive for heartworms.
His treatment was paid in full from the Julie Moreland Heartworm Fund. (September 2016)
Update: Akman has been adopted. We've received a picture of two happy people and a very happy dog. (February 2017)

Zara (formerly Katja) is a pretty three-year old who was adopted from a shelter. Within a week, her new family discovered that she was positive for heartworms and they were quoted a formidable amount of money for treatment.
Jamie, with Tall Tails Rescue, stepped in to help, found a vet who charged considerably less, and applied to us for funding to assist the family--and Zara. Funds for her treatment came from the Julie Moreland Heartworm Fund. (September 2016)

Two-year old Molly was surrendered to Tall Tails Rescue. She was killing chickens and was going to be shot. She was diagnosed with heartworms and has been treated successfully.
Funding for her treatment came from the Julie Moreland Heartworm Fund. (September 2016)

Merlin is a three-year old Siberian Husky mix who was pulled from a rescue. His owners didn't want him and Merlin seems to have spent his short life outside on a chain.
He was found to be positive for heartworms and had a ruptured cruciate ligamentwhich needed repair.
Vanessa writes that he is a sweet boy who loves people and other dogs. His treatment was expensive and we were happy to provide substantial funding. (September 2016)

Zina is only a year old and was pulled from a shelter with numerous medical issues: ear infections, incontinence, carpal instability, and fractures. She needed multiple procedures to correct her injuries which were extensive and expensive. They had been left untreated for some time.
Lisa writes that despite her pain, Zina was a sweet and affectionate girl. BnJ is a new husky rescue and committed to helping Zina recover. She is with a medical foster family during her recovery. We made a substantial contribution to help Zina. (September 2016)

This young pup (four months old) was rescued from a backyard breeder. Quinn was lethargic, and dehydrated, with severe diarrhoea and worms. He was diagnosed with gastroenteritis and was hospitalized for treatment.
Quinn recovered well and we were pleased to be able to help with funding. August 2016)

This young lady (1½) escaped from her owner in Indiana and was struck by a car. She was treated for a dislocated hip and returned to her owner. But she continued to escape and the owner gave her away. Nisha finally ended up at a shelter with the hip dislocated again.
The only recourse was a femoral head osteotomy (FMO). She is in foster care and recovering well. We were pleased to help with funding. (August 2016)

Jade's owner suffered a foreclosure and was unable to care for her so a good Samaritan stepped up to help. Jade had spent much of her life tied outside and had not seen a vet for six years. She was suffering from multiple skin problems (see below for pictures of her neck) as well as heartworms, whipworms, and Lyme disease.
She will be looking for a loving forever home when she has recovered.
We were very happy to help with Jade's expenses. (August 2016)

Panda is a gorgeous nine-year old woolly Siberian suffering from a severe UTI and ear infections in both ears. While antibiotics cleared up the infections, she was also found to have an ulcer in one ear which did not respond to medical treatment. Surgery was the only solution: a total ear canal ablation.
We were pleased to help with funding for Panda. (August 2016)

Keiko was a stray, not reclaimed by her owners. She was an outside dog and has had medicals problem since she was a puppy which were never corrected. She suffers from an ectopic ureter, chronic UTIs and constant urine leakage.
Keiko needed surgery and we were happy to help with funding. (August 2016)

Two-year old Pepper was owner-surrendered to this small rescue with multiple foxtails in her tail. They were surgically removed, but the tail did not heal, became infected and a second surgery--amputation of the tail--was necessary.
We were happy to provide considerable funding for Pepper's surgery. (July 2016)

Clancy is two years old and was suffering from a broken ankle/tarsal fracture. He needed expensive surgery and we were happy to help with funding. (July 2016)

Setlaya is an older lady (10) who needed emergency x-rays and treatment for IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). She was treated successfully and we were happy to provide the funding for the medications she needed. (July 2016)

Cynthia's rescue took in four heartworm-positive Siberians within a few days: Thor (4), Odin (2), Zeus (3) and Freya (5).
All were treated successfully and we were happy to pay for their treatments in full from the Julie Moreland Heartworm Fund. Click here to learn more. (July 2016)

This two-year old girl was struck by a car which resulted in a severe bilateral pelvic fracture. She was unable to walk and was suffering from constipation and urinary incontinence. Her owners relinquished her to Arctic Breed Rescue after a week! Karma was in severe pain and the rescue determined that pelvic reconstructive surgery was needed immediately. It was very expensive but the rescue managed to raise some funds and we were pleased to contribute as well.
Karma's prognosis for a healthy life is excellent and she will be available for adoption when she has recovered. (July 2016)

Lance rescued this pretty girl from an animal control group in Joliet. She was diagnosed with heartworms and has since been treated successfully. We were delighted to hear that Whisper has been adopted!
Funds for her treatment were provided by the Julie Moreland Heartworm Fund. Click here to learn more. (June 2016)

This young boy came into rescue with infected gums and broken canines. His gums were treated with medication, but his canines had to be surgically removed.
We were happy to hear that Nico has found his forever family! (June 2016)
And now he is giving husky kisses ...

This handsome pup was surrendered to Jamie's rescue by his owner who refused to pay for his parvo treatment and wanted him euthanized.
Although he has been renamed (Asher), Lucky was indeed a lucky young boy. We were pleased to contribute to his treatment. (May 2016)

This precious little girl was six weeks old when she was apparently attacked by her mother. She was going to be euthanized when Julie's rescue agreed to help.
Lucia (now Lulu) suffered a fractured jaw--in five places! She needed immediate emergency surgery followed by multiple specialized surgeries. They were expensive. Lulu had a long recuperation spent with foster parents who have since adopted her. She is loved and is flourishing. (May 2016)

This pretty boy (7½ years old) was pulled from a shelter. Maureen writes that "sweet Lobo spent the first 7 years of his life living outside. He had never seen a vet till we rescued him.
"Since then we have battled parasites, corona virus, and eating challenges. The final step is having his canines and a pre-molar extracted since all are broken off and have exposed roots." This was extreme dental work for poor Lobo and we trust he can now eat again comfortably.
We were happy to help with his dental expenses. (April 2016)

Falcon was surrendered to HTH by his owner whose personal life became complicated leaving Falcon outside or crated in the garage most of the time. His foster mother noticed quickly that he was regurgitating his food and water and becoming very emaciated. A series of tests including an esophagram revealed that Falcon suffers from esophageal motility disorder--a weak esophagus.
He needs medication and special food preparation to allow for small amounts at a time. Falcon's prognosis for a normal life is good although care with his food will be necessary. (April 2016)

Jamie is a Good Samaritan who took two-year old Niko from Tall Tail Rescue in Oklahoma. She noticed he was having vision problems and had him evaluated. Niko was diagnosed with juvenile cataracts in both eyes. In fact, he was basically blind in one eye.
Because he is a young dog and could suffer future complications, it was recommended that that the cataracts in both eyes be removed.
We were pleased to help with this expensive surgery. (March 2016)

What a difference! Sapphire is five years old and was in danger of euthanization when Lance rescued her. She was emaciated, anemic, with sarcoptic mange. And she had kidney disease.
Her treatment was very expensive and it will be on-going. But Lance reports that she is a different dog from a few scant months ago--full of energy and with a good appetite. And her hair is growing back!
We were happy to help with funding for Sapphire. (February 2016)

Lucas is two years old, red and white with blue eyes. He was struck by a car and suffered a broken leg.
Christina is the good Samaritan who will care for him until he heals. She was able to raise some funds and the vet provided a generous discount.
We were pleased to grant additional funding. (February 2016)

Sitka is three years old and was found as a stray running loose in an Atlanta area zoo. He was diagnosed to be positive for heartworms and erlichia (an infectious tick-born disease).
He received treatment for both and is doing well. The vet provided a discount of no fee for services.
We were pleased to provide funding from the Julie Moreland Heartworm Fund. (January 2016)

Amy's rescue pulled Abby from a Tennessee shelter which did not have the funds to have her broken leg treated. Abby, a six-month old Siberian Husky mix, was being crated and in severe pain.
Amy writes that Abby needed FHO surgery, an expensive procedure involving the removal of the head and neck of the femur (hip): Femoral Head Ostectomy.
Pathway to Hope raised considerable funds through active fundraising and received a generous discount from the vet. We were happy to provide additional funding.
Abby is recovering well. (January 2016)