2020 (28 dogs)
Here are the dogs we helped in 2020. We are pleased to have made contributions towards their medical expenses to ensure happy and healthy lives for them all.
Please click on the Funding Requirements link on the left if you have a rescue dog that needs out of the ordinary medical treatment. Please make sure you read and understand our requirements prior to making an application. The link to the rescue application is at the end of the requirements.

Snow White is three years old and was found as a stray in Tennessee. The owner could not be found. A former volunteer for A Pathway to Hope had relocated to Tennessee and contacted Amy about Snow White.
She was placed in a foster home and when she went in for her spay, the vet found a mammary tumour and a uterine mass. The mammary tumour was malignant and removed with good margins.
Snow White is a sweet, loving girl, good with all people and all creatures great and small! Her foster family has adopted her, and while she will need regular checkups, the future looks bright for Snow White.
We were happy to provide funding for this pretty girl. (December 2020)

This little pup (10 weeks old) was the victim of a dog attack and surrendered to a shelter to be euthanized. The injuries to her face were extensive, and emergency surgery was needed to remove one eye and repair a fractured jaw. She suffered other facial fractures and needed a feeding tube. Fortunately, a CT scan revealed no brain damage.
Husky House was extremely successful with fundraising and we were very pleased to provide the balance ofthe cost for this little girl.
After her tumultuous start to life, we hope Tawny is adopted by a very special family. (December 2020)

Guinness is a 3-year old Siberian mix who was rescued from a shelter and diagnosed with a fractured front leg. He needed orthopaedic surgery - a bone plate - to repair the damage.
He is recovering nicely and his leg will be almost fully functional when it has healed.
We were pleased to contribute to Guinness's surgery and hope he finds his forever family soon. (December 2020)

Dega is a four-year old male who was diagnosed with heartworms. We were happy to provide funds for his treatment from the Julie Moreland Heartworm Fund. (December 2020)

Journey is six years old and was rescued from a shelter. He was diagnosed with cataracts in both eyes, a condition unknown to his rescuers at the the time. Despite some vitreal degeneration, he was deemed a good candidate for cataract surgery.
All Joy 4 Paws were very successful raising funds for Journey's surgeries, and thanks to some recent generous donations, we were happy to make a substantial contribution to Journey's care. (November 2020)

AKIRA, LUNA, and THOR are three young Siberians diagnosed with heartworms. Melody from Free Spirit rescued them from a kill shelter in Texas.
They have all been treated successfully with funds from the Julie Moreland Heartworm Fund. (September 2020)

Saul is about four years old and was diagnosed with mature cataracts in both eyes. Chris told us that "his family 'dumped' him in a high kill shelter when they moved." Shelter staff contacted DVSHR who took Saul in and began an amazingly successful fundraising campaign for his surgeries.
Apart from the cataracts, Saul had other issues including anxiety problems and diabetes which are now under control.
We were pleased to help Saul and delighted to hear that he is awaiting adoption! (September 2020)

Panda is a young Siberian mix (possibly Border Collie) who was diagnosed with heartworms. Free Spirit was asked to take him by a group in Texas.
Panda has been successfully treated with funds from the Julie Moreland Heartworm Fund. We were delighted to hear that he has been adopted! (September 2020)

We first helped Kera last Spring (click here) with orthopedic surgery costs (two broken legs). She had been adopted, but alas, her post operative care protocols were not followed and she suffered a deep pressure wound under her cast.
Her leg did heal and is fused so she needed both land and water therapy. She is with a foster family who made sure that happened.
We helped with the therapy costs and look forward to hearing that Kera has gained full mobility and a forever family. (August 2020)

Five year-old Dakota was hit by a car and his injuries were left untreated by his owner. When his owner died, the family surrendered Dakota to Hairy Houdini.
Dakota needed surgery to repair his left hind limb: a femoral head osteotomy. According to his vet, "with the removal of the femoral head, Dakota's prognosis to live with reduced pain is greatly increased."
We were pleased to help with Dakota's expenses and wish him a new forever home very soon. (July 2020)

Santee (5 years old) was found tied to a tree. She had a ruptured mammary tumour which needed emergency surgery. Thankfully, the tumour was benign.
Through very successful fundraising, Husky House raised a large portion of the monies needed and we were pleased to make a substantial contribution. (July 2020)

We were shocked and saddened to receive Jamie's application for five 5-week old puppies who were rescued from a puppy mill. (There had been six pups, but one died.) They were infested with hookworms and roundworms and suffering from dehydration and diarrhoea.
The pups were treated and have an excellent prognosis. We were very happy to provide the funding for their treatment and wish them all very happy lives after such a rough start. (May 2020)

Layla is four years old and was pulled from a county shelter. She was diagnosed with a torn anterior cruciate ligament and needed corrective surgery.
Shadow Husky Rescue did extensive and very successful fundraising and we were happy to help this "sweet natured" lady too. (May 2020)

Titan was suffering from entropion on both his lower eyelids and was clearly suffering. It's a painful condition in which the eyelashes turn into the eye. It tends to be a genetic condition so five-year old Titan may have been in pain for years.
He was surrendered by his owner and April fostered him while trying to raise funds for corrective surgery.
We were happy to provide funding to help Titan and are pleased that April has adopted him. We wish him a happy and pain-free life with her. (September 2019/February 2020)

Feather is two years old, a stray, and found to be heartworm-positive. Peg's rescue organized treatment for her which we were pleased to pay for from the Julie Moreland Heartworm Fund. (February 2020)

Aspen is a young girl who was the victim of divorce and, as Karin writes, "was literally kicked out of the house." Northwest Rescue took her in and found Aspen to be blind in one eye with the other rapidly deteriorating. She had juvenile cataracts. Because of her age, surgery was recommended.
This is a small rescue and and the surgeries were very expensive. We applaud Northwest Rescue for their amazing fundraising! Aspen is a lucky girl to have had such a committed group of people to help her.
We were pleased to contribute as well. (February 2020))

This young pup (six months) was rescued from a county animal shelter. She was suffering from a luxating patella, a condition in which the kneecap pops out, and which needed surgical correction.
We were happy to contribute to Tamber's surgery. (February 2020)

This young lady was struck by a car and suffered a severe right forelimb fracture which necessitated several surgical procedures. Her last - with an orthopaedic surgeon - involved an implant and screws.
Chanel's surgeries were complicated and expensive and while the rescue did receive a discount and some funds from their fundraising efforts, they needed further help.
We were glad to provide considerable assistance to ensure that Chanel can enjoy a happy, active life. (February 2020)

Crater is two-years old and was run over by a car. His owner couldn't afford treatment for him so surrendered him to a shelter.
Crater suffered a broken left rear leg which needed repair and Brandy Sleddog Rescue took him in and made sure he got the treatment he needed.
We were happy to contribute to Crater's surgery. (February 2020)

Luke is 10 months old and was in a shelter waiting to be euthanized. He had two fractured legs likely the result of being hit by a car. Shanna told us that Luke's fractures were older than thought and had healed improperly so had to be reset and plated. The surgeries needed a specialist since these were severe and complicated fractures.
The rescue did some fundraising and we were pleased to make a substantial contribution to Luke's treatment. (March 2020)

Kera has an interesting story. She was found living on the streets by a rescue in Egypt. Kera had been injured and displayed limited mobility with a non functioning left leg and another that didn't bend. The Egyptian rescue contacted Amy at Pathway to Hope and together they arranged to fly Kera to New Jersey.
Kera underwent very complicated and delicate surgeries with an orthopaedist to repair her shattered legs and growth plates.
We were very pleased to help Kera and are delighted to learn that she has been adopted! (March 2020)

This pretty young lady was picked up as a stray, full of milk, but with no pups visible to nurse. She spent many weeks in a California shelter, emaciated and in great distress, anxious for attention from anyone passing by.
Odessa was on the shelter's euthanasia list when Friends of Denali intervened. She was found to have a ruptured cruciate ligament in her right leg which needed corrective surgery. She is now recuperating in a foster home enjoying the love and attention she so desperately sought. Alas, her puppies were never found.
We were very pleased to help with Odessa's medical expenses and wish her a long, healthy and happy life. (April 2020)