2005 (23 dogs)
Here are the dogs we helped in 2005. We were pleased to make contributions towards their medical expenses to ensure happy and healthy lives for them all.

Jocko is a very special Siberian who touched the hearts of everyone he met. After hearing all the accolades, Tina Bassett checked him out and agreed that he is a charmer. She writes that "his first trip to PetSmart got him a whole lot of attention: all he wanted was people to stop and rub his belly. He's also full of kisses and quite a talker." When Tina had Jocko vet-checked, he tested positive for heartworms. He has since been treated successfully. We hope this handsome young boy soon finds a forever home. (November 2005)

Who would throw a beautiful Siberian off a second story balcony? Mitts's story is probably known to all who are reading this and he is now recovering well from multiple surgeries for broken limbs. He is a handsome 5-6 year-old red and white Siberian. Here's what Tracie Franke told us about him:
"Mitts is a survivor. He was found lying on the sidewalk, crying, unable to get up. A good Samaritan rushed him to an emergency pet clinic for treatment, and then helped them track down his owners. The owners were not interested in paying for the medical care required. They refused to answer phone calls from the clinic and basically abandoned the dog. Mitts's wounds, scars and scabs, all over his face and body, are indicative of prolonged, severe dog attacks. He may have been used as bait to train fighting dogs. He also arrived so emaciated and dehydrated, even surgery to fix his broken teeth was too risky. He also suffered broken bones in both front legs, as well as ruptured tendons, from his "jump" out the window.
"While in foster care, Mitts has shown a tender, loving, trusting personality that is surprising for a dog with his history, but not uncommon to the Siberian. He is friendly and outgoing with all five of the Siberians in his foster family. His suffering is over, and the healing has begun."
We were pleased to contribute a substantial amount for this special boy. (October 2005)

Suzy Taylor wrote to us about this beautiful Siberian who had been hit by a car at five months old. Tala needed diagnostic work to determine the extent of her injuries. We were pleased to fund this and hope that Tala has had her necessary surgery. (September 2005)
Update - April 2006: Tala didn't require surgery and was eventually adopted into a home with a male dog about her age.

Who would shoot a puppy? Alas, it happens. And this little baby will be living his life on three legs. He's a Siberian/GSD mix with brown eyes, and is seven months old. His rescuer found him with a gunshot wound to his left hind leg. The joint was shattered with a bone protruding. And Buck also required treatment for tetanus.
As Marla Farrell writes, "because of the nature of the wound, amputation of the leg was necessary." Buck has had his surgery, and Marla reports that "his longterm prognosis is good, he is learning to navigate with only three legs, and is happy and cheerful. He is now available for adoption." (September 2005)

Foxy is an 8-year old red and white female with blue eyes who has had a tough life. She had been kept in deplorable conditions by someone who was breeding Siberians; Foxy was part of that breeding stock. Shawna Wells of Hounds Haven writes that "during the floods of Fall 2004, it was reported that his dogs were literally swimming in their kennels and the dog boxes were floating." And the dogs were only fed every other day. When Foxy's owner realized he wasn't making money from his Siberians, he decided to sell them. Foxy went to a caring home, but one which didn't understand the breed. And Foxy was in season.
Shawna's rescue took Foxy (and a number of others from the original breeder) and found that she was infested with intestinal parasites; she also tested positive for heartworms. Foxy has been spayed, cleared of the parasites, and has undergone her heartworm treatment. Shawna hopes to find her a forever home soon. (August 2005)

Sampson is a 6-year old black/grey/white Siberian with bi-eyes whose owner had become disabled and was no longer able to care for him. Marcia Horne took Sampson into rescue and soon realized that his eyes were causing him pain - a condition he had had to deal with for years. Marcia noticed "what looked like a tiny brush against his eye" and discovered he needed entropion surgery on both eyes (although one was more severe than the other).
She told us that Sampson would have been euthanized at the shelter had she not intervened. Sampson is overweight, but when he's pain-free, he'll likely become more active. Sampson's prognosis is excellent, and we were very happy to help fund the surgeries to allow him a happy future. (July 2005)

Update - January 2006: "This is Sampson who had entropion surgery that SOS helped pay for. Phillip and his wife Tracy wanted Sampson to add to their family with Chief a white husky they adopted from us 2 years ago. Tracy waited until Christmas to surprise Phillip with Sampson. He is doing well after his eye surgery, and they love him, and that is what it's all about. Thanks to SOS Sampson is no longer in pain with the eyelashes in his eyes, and he is happy with his forever family."

Poor Alakea had been shuffled around a few potential "forever" homes for less than a year. Not his fault. So this handsome 5-year old boy once again ended up in a shelter. When Laura Briggs rescued him, she realized that he'd be a good candidate for a television show a local rescue group was involved in to educate the public on responsible pet ownership.
Alas, Alakea was discovered to have a torn cruciate ligament which needed immediate repair. It's expensive surgery. He was also suffering from Lyme's which was treated successfully. But it was the cruciate ligament problem that Laura was most concerned about because Alakea was clearly in pain.
We were very pleased to help fund Alakea's surgery. Laura wrote us in August that the surgery had gone well and that Alakea was well on the road to recovery. We're looking forward to seeing "our" movie star on Animal Planet in the near future! (July 2005)

Dawne Howard pulled six Siberians from shelters in June, three of whom were heartworm positive. They are all young dogs whose futures are bright! Once their treatments are complete, these three will be available for adoption.

Domino is a two-year old black and white male with blue eyes; Kita is a three-year old red and white female with blue eyes; and Shana is a three-year old black and white female with blue eyes.
We wish these pups good health and good lives in their future forever homes. (June 2005)
Update - November 2005: "Miss Shana was adopted this past Saturday to a fantastic family in Wilmington, NC. She is now the third furkid to Deborah and Tim and sister to 3 y/o Siberian Sashka and 13 y/o rat terrier, Jager. Yes, believe it or not, Shana is fine with small dogs and cats. Can't say it enough ... thank you for all you did." Domino was adopted in September 2005.

Bowie is a young, dilute black and white male who was 24 hours away from euthanization when Julie Hoffmann pulled him. Bowie was heartworm positive, but his is a mild case, and his prognosis is excellent. He is currently in foster care, and is looking forward to an active forever family to take him for long runs! (June 2005

This handsome young two-year old was suffering from upper respiratory problems. As well, he tested positive for heartworms. He is currently undergoing treatment for both conditions. We wish Malik a speedy recovery and a long life with a loving family. (May 2005)

Destiny and Malik were rescued from the same shelter with no apparent medical problems but both tested positive for heartworms. Destiny developed complications which included gastro-intestinal bleeding, anemia, and extreme lethargy. Her condition required two blood transfusions and several emergency medical treatments.
Kristen of Happy Tails reports that Destiny is recovering well and has gained weight. She is currently in foster care. (May 2005)

Greta, her six puppies, and two other dogs were found living inside a car 24/7! Lila Borges of VA PAWS managed to rescue Greta who was extremely thin and dehydrated. She was also suffering from severe mastitis and needed immediate surgery. After recovering, Greta was spayed and taken to Marcia Horne of Siberian Husky Assist. Greta found her forever family in a matter of days. We wish this little one a long and happy life with more room to roam than the back seat of a car! (May 2005)
Update - June 2005: Marcia reports, "Greta's family brought her over last night. She has put on several pounds and looks great. They brush her a lot, her hair is very soft. They absolutely love her. Wanted you to know. This is her yesterday in our living room."

Zack is a two-year old black and white boy. He was pulled from a kill shelter and found to be heartworm positive. He is undergoing treatment and his prognosis for a full recovery is good. Zack will be available for adoption in the near future. (May 2005)

This little three-month old boy was one of two puppies taken into rescue. Initially, it seemed he had been shot, but x-rays showed no signs of buckshot. Teller had a number of puncture wounds over his body probably caused by attacks from a larger dog (Teller had disappeared for a few days). His wounds were infected and one had punctured his trachea. He was given pain medication and antibiotics, but returned to the vet two days later as his injuries had begun to seep profusely. He was prescribed stronger antibiotics and responded well to them. Tina describes Teller as a "typical, inquisitive husky puppy" well on the road to recovery and to a forever home. (May 2005)

Update: We were saddened to hear about the death of this young pup who had undergone so much torment, and extend our sympathies to all at IHH and to Kelli and Tina who cared for him. JoLynn wrote to the Sibernet list about "another silver harness - earned way too soon":
"Our sweet puppy Teller who was attacked likely by bigger dogs when he was a puppy the day our group was scheduled to take his brother and him in for foster has crossed over the bridge at the tender age of 15 months. He had a very aggressive bloody cancerous growth on the top of his head which regrew to double the original size within two weeks of surgery to remove it.
"He was much loved by his adoptive mom Kelli, foster mom Tina and just about everyone who met this goofy boy with ears he never quite grew in to.
"Run free goofy guy."

Nanook is a three-year old white Siberian who was hit by a car in February. She lay in a median for many hours before someone contacted TEARS. Nanook had many contusions and a fractured pelvis, but fortunately did not need surgery. She is healing nicely, has a good prognosis for a normal life, and will be available for adoption very soon. (April 2005)

Chance is a three-year old red and white boy who tested positive for heartworms. Stephanie (of Siberian Husky Assist) had planned to put Chance
into foster care, but has fallen in love with him! And it seems that Chance now has *his* chance to become an educator! He is the "spokesdog" for
Stephanie's community, helping to educate other dogowners about heartworm and its prevention.
(April 2005)
Update - July 2005: "I wanted to let you know that as of yesterday (2005-7-14-05) Chance is completely cured of all heartworms and microfilaria. Chance's life was saved by your organization's kind hearts. I want to thank all who were involved in making the decision to help us help Chance. He is a free spirited husky. He loves to howl for no reason, loves to be brushed, loves to play with our 5 year old son and Ally our 1 1/2 yr. old mix female pound puppy. He enjoys going to the lake and playing with his H2O toy and just loves to be with us. He is the greatest dog ever!!! I am working with him right now to prepare him to be a therapy dog. He is that gentle with everyone. I take him to all of my son's T-Ball games and he entertains the little kids and adults on the bleachers during the games. He kind of became their mascot.
Thank you again for everything, Stephanie Furches"

Rocky is about three years old, house trained and has a great temperament. When Marcia had him vet-checked, he was found to be heartworm positive. Fortunately, Rocky was in the early stages of this, and will make a full recovery. He is happily ensconced in a foster home, which may become permanent! (April 2005)

This young two-year old boy was found running. Animal Control contacted his owners, but they didn't want him back because he jumped fences! Julie Bates had him checked and he tested positive for heartworms. She describes him as a "beautiful black and white Siberian with blue eyes" with "a very nice disposition who is very adoptable."
We hope Dakota will soon be in his forever home. (April 2005)

This handsome boy came into rescue as a result of a cruelty case. He was one of several Siberians who had been chained on an abandoned property without food or water. Zeus was lucky: some of his companions died. When Sarah got Zeus, he weighed 42 pounds and was found to be heartworm positive. He began his treatment in mid March and his prognosis for a full recovery is excellent.
Zeus is looking forward to finding a forever home soon! (March 2005)

Sheba, a 6-month old, black and white pup, came into rescue on an emergency basis with a badly fractured tibia. Sheba had been doing some kennel-fence climbing, got her leg stuck, and fell, fracturing her leg. This was New Year's Eve! Sheba was in extreme pain and needed immediate attention for this badly broken leg. She needed a metal plate implant and pins to correct the fracture. The alternative was euthanasia which neither Gail nor Cathy (of Norsled) was willing to contemplate.
Sheba is recovering well and we were pleased to make a substantial contribution towards this surgery. (January 2005)

Update - May 2005: Sheba is now Sophia and has a new home in the mountains with a new "brother" Barney. You play hard, you rest hard!

This lovely four-year old female was found in a NYC shelter severely deformed, malnourished, and very weak. On examination, Winter was diagnosed with bilateral Patella luxations which necessitated surgical correction on both rear legs. Lorraine Healy wrote us to say that she was an "absolute gem" despite her pain, and very willing to offer kisses. Winter had been scheduled to be euthanized because of her handicap.
Winter's prognosis is good for a happy and healthy life. We were pleased to be able to make a substantial contribution towards her surgeries. (January 2005)