2012 (24 dogs)
Here are the dogs we helped in 2012. We were pleased to have made contributions towards their medical expenses to ensure happy and healthy lives for them all.

River is a young grey and white Siberian who incurred three surgical procedures as a result of an attack by wild animals--possibly coyotes. The surgeries were extensive and one involved an amputation of his beautiful fluffy tail. Despite everything, River is recovering well and retains his zest for life running around like a young puppy.
We were glad to be able to help with River's medical expenses and hope he finds his forever home soon. (November 2012)
Update: Visit our 2018 page for an update. Click here.

Marley, eight years old, came into rescue after her owner was killed in a motorcycle accident and his wife lost her home to foreclosure after the accident. Marley had a tumour growing on her neck which was affecting her nervous system and impeding movement in her legs.
The surgery to remove the tumour was successful and Marley is recovering well. We were happy to pay for this surgery and are delighted to hear that Marley has been adopted and enjoying life with three 4-legged brothers and sisters. (October 2012)

This little boy is six months old and was pulled from a shelter. He was unable to breathe properly and needed a procedure called a Laryngeal Tieback to correct the problem. His prognosis for a normal life is good with exercise limited to a moderate level.
It was expensive treatment and Adopt A Husky did receive some public donations. We were able to provide funding to help Felix and wish him a happy future with an understanding family. (October 2012)
Update (June/September 2013): Tammie, his foster Mom, writes, "He found a loving home, the day before Thanksgiving (2012) and so started another happy ending and new beginning."
We were very happy to learn that Felix had been adopted. After his surgery he had to learn to drink, eat and bark again. He was adopted by a family who is enjoying him very much and can't believe that he tries to eat everything he can find!

This little pup was pulled from a county shelter and put in isolation at the vet's to ensure that he did not develop parvo or other common shelter diseases. He had an erection that would not deflate and medication did not help. The vet performed minor surgery to allow circulation to return to Razer's penis. He is fine, and April reports that "everything is working as it should!"
Razer will be neutered when he is six months old and already has an approved adopter.
We were happy to contribute to Razer's treatment. (August 2012)

This little pup is seven months old with a great personality and, it seems, a penchant for mischief! He was in foster care and developed unexplained vomiting. Initial treatment included medications and a bland diet, but the vomiting returned. An x-ray of his abdomen revealed a foreign object lodged in the small intestine. Mischief had exploratory surgery and the vet found that the object had moved to the large intestine. He was able to expel it by enemas rather than performing risky surgery.
Mischief passed the object and is doing just fine!
We were very happy to help with funding for Mischief's treatment and wish this little boy a long and happy life. (August 2012)

This young grey and white Siberian was suffering from an untreated compound fracture affecting the right radius and ulna. His leg had atrophied and could not be saved. Wyatt had amputation surgery in July and is adjusting well to life on three legs.
We were very pleased to be able to help Wyatt and delighted to hear that he has found his forever home. (August 2012)

Isolde is eight years old, white, with blue eyes. Like Tristan, she was diagnosed with heartworms. Since the shelter does not treat this condition, April's rescue made sure she got the medical help she needed.
Isolde's prognosis is excellent and we were delighted to pay for her treatment. (August 2012)

Tristan is seven years old and was surrendered to a shelter who tested him for heartworms. He was found to be positive. Since the shelter does not treat heartworm-positive dogs, April's rescue took him in and had him treated.
Tristan recovered well and his prognosis is excellent. We were very happy to pay for his treatment. He has now found his forever home. (August 2012)

Kira is fourteen months old and had experienced trauma to the growth plates in her front legs which caused her bones to grow unevenly. Her owners planned to euthanize her. Adopt A Husky investigated various possibilities and found a vet willing to perform the orthopedic surgery necessary to correct the malformation of both front legs.
She was a good candidate for surgery and her prognosis for living a relatively normal life is good. It was very expensive surgery and Amie conducted an online fundraiser through Give Forward.
We were happy to able to contribute to Kira's surgery. She is recovering well and is "ready to run and play on those new legs." (July/August 2012)

Whitey is a young male Siberian who Tammy rescued from a shelter about to euthanize him. He had a broken front leg, was lame, in pain, and unable to put weight on it. It was an old injury and the treating veterinarian advised amputation since there was no chance the bones would grow back together again.
Whitey's prognosis for a full recovery is excellent and we were very pleased to provide substantial funding for the surgery. (July 2012)

Like Oreo, this red and white boy was confiscated in an abuse case. He was riddled with whip worms and living in appalling conditions. Joanne had him tested and he was found to have advanced heart worms. Nanook, too, recuperated in his new forever home. We hope to be able to post "after" pictures of the two of them.
The Humane Society of Sandusky County is a small rural shelter with limited resources. We were very pleased to provide funding to ensure a healthy life for Nanook. (July 2012)

Oreo is a three-year old black and white female who was confiscated from her owner in an abuse case. As you can see from the picture, she was living in horrendous conditions and was infested with whip worms. Further testing revealed that she was also suffering from advanced heartworms.
Joanne writes that her rescue has limited resources as a small, rural organization.
Oreo's prognosis is good and she recuperated from her heartworm treatment in her new forever home and has been renamed Miya. We were pleased to help this pretty girl. (July 2012)

Caesar is a one-year old black and white pup whose owners could no longer care for. Julie writes: "He came to us with a leg (previously injured and not treated properly) which was a hindrance to his mobility. He was in severe pain."
A few months earlier he had been run over by a car and never regained proper use of his leg. Caesar's foster mom immediately noticed a problem: he was not using his leg and his hip bone appeared to be jutting out. X-rays revealed a dislocated hip. In addition, the leg was severely atrophied. Amputation was the recommended solution to Caesar's problem from both the initial vet and a second one at a different clinic. Caesar sailed through the surgery and returned to his foster home the next day.
He will be available for adoption once he fully recuperates. We were delighted to provide substantial funding for this young boy. (July 2012)
Update: Caesar's first adoptive home fell through in August. However, another family who already has a "tripod" female adopted Caesar. They also adopted a three-legged female puppy who was born with one leg that was just a short stump. So Caesar now has two 3-legged sisters.

This beautiful young girl was pulled from an animal shelter in Georgia with an injured hind leg. Carmen was in pain and Kimberly's vet said the leg could not be saved and advised amputation.
Kimberly raised some funds through Chip In on their website and on Facebook. We were pleased to help Carmen and hope she finds a loving family soon. (May 2012)

Zsa Zsa is 8 months old and an escape artist (surprise!). After four escapes in one week, her owners decided to surrender her to S.H.E.L.L. When Kristen picked her up, she noticed that Zsa Zsa was very vocal, couldn't seem to settle down, and had a limp. A vet visit confirmed that a femoral head osteotomy would be needed.
In the report, the vet mentioned that "previous significant trauma prematurely closed the proximal growth plate of the left femur and subsequently it is shorter than the right. She may have some degree of a lifelong limp."
But Kristen told us that a month after surgery Zsa Zsa is doing very well and "has such a love for life and is becoming more and more active while she is pain free."
We were happy to contribute to Zsa Zsa's surgery and hope that she has found her forever home. (May 2012).

This pretty young girl was saved from an abusive home: her previous owners beat her regularly. When Husky House was contacted about her, Roxy had a severely infected broken leg which necessitated two surgeries to save the leg from amputation.
Radiographs revealed a history of metacarpal fractures according to the treating veterinarian. Roxy's prognosis for a normal life is good, though she may develop arthritis later in life.
We were pleased to contribute to Roxy's care and hope she finds a kind and loving forever home. (May 2012)

Luna has no idea what a very lucky puppy she is! Katelyn's story about this pretty girl is one of love, dedication, and perseverance, and moved all of us deeply. Here is part of what she wrote us.
"Last Saturday afternoon Hector was visiting with his parents when he heard a loud commotion out front. He went outside to investigate and discovered that one of his neighbors had just run over another neighbor's Siberian Husky pup. As the poor puppy lay whimpering and bleeding in the street, the teenage owner who witnessed the accident ran into the house bawling. Eventually the father came out and just stood there staring at the injured animal, unsure of what to do with it. Hector and his mom quickly intervened and told the man to take the poor animal inside, as she was still lying in the street.
"He picked her up and instead of taking her inside, took her to the backyard and laid her down without any further care. No water, no food, just left her there to die. After witnessing the clueless and irresponsible actions of the owners and seeing that they were not going to take any further action to help her, Hector went to them and simply asked to take ownership of the animal, come what may. Whether she would need to be put down, or it was a treatable injury, it was clear that Luna didn't stand a chance in her current care."

So Hector took Luna to an emergency clinic and it was determined that she would need orthopedic surgery on her knee. Expensive surgery.
And that's where Katelyn came in. She immediately began networking and established a Give Forward fund with Luna's story: www.giveforward.com/puppylunaneedsyourhelp. Within a week, generous donors had paid for almost all of Luna's medical expenses.
Our contribution was very small although we were prepared to pay more.
And the best news of all is that Katelyn and Hector have a new, healthy and happy puppy! If you would like to see more pictures of Luna, you can visit her Facebook page by clicking here. (May 2012)

Emery Moon, a one-year old black and white Siberian, suffered a left femoral fracture after having been hit by a car. Alison rescued him from a high-kill shelter and scheduled the surgery he needed to stabilize the fracture.
Emery Moon is expected to make a full recovery and will be available for adoption once he has healed.
We were pleased to make a substantial contribution towards Emery Moon's treatment and hope he finds his forever home soon. (April 2012)

This handsome boy was struck by a car and left to die. A good samaritan who witnessed the hit-and-run sought help and the Humane Society of Jackson County contacted us for emergency funding.
Apollo suffered a right hip dislocation which necessitated the removal of the femoral head. In addition, x-rays revealed a bullet lodged in his spine. It was removed. Yes — someone had shot this poor dog.
Lisa writes that a rescue group in Zanesville (Howl at the Moon) will care for Carter during his recovery and work to find him the forever home he deserves.
We were very happy to pay for the emergency treatment and hope that a new name (Apollo) will be the beginning of a happy life for Carter. (March 2012)

7-month old Mika owes her life to several good samaritans. She had been living in a garage (perhaps because she was incontinent) and was left there when her owner moved. Someone who knew of the situation took Mika home and had her checked by his vet who suspected a urinary tract infection. Mika was started on antibiotics.
When Lea adopted her, Mika was still having problems with incontinence and a thorough vet examination revealed extensive internal damage. As Lea wrote: "Her anatomy was seriously messed up--she only had one functioning kidney, both ureters were ectopic and one of them was horribly convoluted, attaching in multiple areas."
The surgery was complicated and involved removal of the non-functional kidney, re-positioning the urinary tract, and transpositioning the left ureter to the bladder.
Mika's family is hopeful that this procedure will be successful, but there are other options they will pursue if it is not.
The surgery was very expensive and we were pleased to be able to help. Mika is very lucky to have such a caring family and we wish them all the best. (March 2012)

Macaroon is a handsome young bi-eyed Siberian; his owner surrendered him to Indy Homes for Huskies. He had lived outside for most of his two years and had not been kept current with vaccinations or heartworm prevention. He tested positive for heartworms.
JoLynn writes that he will be ready for adoption once his treatment is finished.
We were very happy to provide the funding for Macaroon. (February 2012)

Danya is a 3-year old male Siberian surrendered to a shelter by his owner. April writes that he was found to be heartworm positive and was "very sad and defeated." He was pulled from the shelter and treated for both heartworms and a tapeworm infestation. April describes Danya after treatment: "He is showing his true colours of being a zippy, fun, happy boy."
Danya has been adopted by a family willing to wait until his treatment was complete.
Alabama Siberian Husky Rescue is a small, new rescue with limited funds. They received some funding through donations. We were pleased to contribute to Danya's treatment. (March 2012)

Another owner-surrender, Draven is a two-year old black and white boy diagnosed with heartworms.
April writes that he is a "great dog and is doing well in foster care." He has since been adopted.
April receives a 10% Rescue discount from her veterinarian and also created a Chip-in and shared it on Facebook. We were happy to provide additional funding for his heartworm treatment. (March 2012)

Yet another heartworm case. Tanis, a two-year old black and white boy (yes--he is a boy) was dumped in a shed at a shelter. Workers heard crying and found him. This particular shelter has a high euthanasia rate and called April to see if she could take Tanis.
Tanis was treated for his heartworms and has been adopted. April says that he is a "wonderful dog who gets along well with other dogs and kids."
April received some donations through Chip-in and we were pleased to provide funding as well. (March 2012).