2010 (35 dogs)
Here are the dogs we helped in 2010. We were pleased to make contributions towards their medical expenses to ensure happy and healthy lives for them all.

Carol pulled Kimo from the Carroll County, Ohio Animal Shelter where he was taken in as a stray. He had a large tumour on his testicle which caused his scrotum to stretch and hang to his knees, causing it to bleed when he was active. The tumour was removed at the same time as Kimo was neutered.
Kimo had a couple of angels cover the cost of his initial vet visit and pre-surgery exam. SOS-SRF was pleased to cover the cost of the tumour removal. Kimo will be available for adoption when he has recovered. (December 2010)

Twister was out of control. His owner was unable to care for him and unable to keep him from roaming and he had the buckshot pellets to prove it. When Jan first encountered Twister, he was laying in his owner's driveway too ill to get up. He had an infected foot. He recovered from that but was then diagnosed with heartworm. Twister's owner surrendered him to Jan who arranged for his heartworm treatment which was paid for by SOS-SRF.
As much as Jan liked Twister, she already had 16 dogs and couldn't adopt him so she was searching for a rescue group to take him. Peg Moore helped her and transported Twister to Free Spirit Rescue in Harvard, Illinois in February, 2011. We hope this 6 year old charmer finds his forever home through them. (December 2010)

Abby was an owner surrender - she had already had one eye removed and now had glaucoma in her right eye. Because of the pressure and pain, the recommendation was to have her right eye removed. This was done by Veterinary Eye Specialists of Nebraska (who had removed her left eye). Abby has recovered well from the surgery and is now waiting for her forever home. We were happy to pay for her operation and hope she finds that home shortly. (December 2010)
Update: Abby is now in her forever home with Kristen, Brian and new Siberian Husky brother Apollo. You can find more photos of her on the Taysia Blue Facebook page by clicking here, (February 2011)

At the age of 10-12 years, Snow came into S.H.A.R.P. with tumours that were growing rapidly and impairing her mobility. The problem was a mammary tumour that proved to be cancerous. However, two months after surgery, she was doing excellently with no recurrence and normal lymph nodes. The vet said, "I examined Snow today and she actually looks the best she ever has," and she is optimistic that Snow will live many months cancer-free.
Marilyn's rescue raised a significant portion of Snow's costs and the another major contribution was made by the initial rescuer. The SOS-SRF provided the rest of the funding. Given Snow's age and medical condition, she will be remaining with Marilyn. We wish them both lots of time together. (December 2010)
Update: Sadly, Snow crossed the Rainbow Bridge on August 29, 2011. Her mammary tumour started to grow too rapidly and became too large and painful. Snow spent many years being tied out by herself before being rescued by Marilyn who provided her with nearly 2 years of loving care. She will be greatly missed.(August 2011)

Linda responded to a call from a lady who reported that a dog had wandered into her yard and was "trying to eat her cats." It seems Duke was only trying to play with them — perhaps. Linda took him to a vet because of a deeply-infected neck wound. It seems his chain collar was imbedded in his neck.
When Duke recovers from his treatment he will be going to Hogan's Husky Heroes in Memphis and will be available for adoption. We were pleased to pay for his treatment and hope this young boy finds a happy home soon. (November 2010)

Moon (left) and Rusty (right) are young male siblings turned in to an animal control agency in Alabama due to owner neglect and abuse. They were both due for imminent euthanasia when Leonard pulled them. Both had intestinal problems and both were heartworm positive. As well, Moon had a badly swollen leg because of a poisonous snake bite and was unable to walk.
We were very happy to pay for the treatments of Moon and Rusty. (November 2010)
Update: Moon is now Kodi and has found a new home with a new playmate - Enya. He's doing very well and his new owner writes, "He is an incredibly loving dog." Picture taken in his new yard. (January 2011)

WinterPaws is a relatively new rescue in Missouri with limited funds for extraordinary expenses. When this rescue pulled Hope, a young black and white girl from a shelter, they found that while she had been fully vetted, that she was also heartworm positive. WinterPaws paid the shelter fee and knew they had to take Hope because her heartworm status put her high on the euthanasia list. Rachel writes that they found a veterinarian willing to provide a "tremendously reduced price" for Hope's heartworm treatment and also included treatment for a neck wound as well.
We were happy to fund Hope's treatment and *hope* she finds a loving forever home soon. We also applaud WinterPaws for rescuing this pretty girl and wish them well in their rescue endeavours. (November 2010)

This young black and white girl was found as a stray in North Carolina. She was with a pup who may have been hers. A rescue pulled the pup, but left Maya behind. The owner refused to take Maya or the pup back. When Amy's rescue found Maya, she was about to be euthanized. Amy found a foster home for her in North Carolina and had Maya vetted. She was found to be heartworm positive and was moved to New Jersey for treatment and to a foster home willing to care for her during her recovery.
We were pleased to pay for Maya's heartworm treatment and wish her a long and happy life. (November 2010)
Update: Maya was adopted to a family in NYC. She is living the big life now! From her foster mom: "Maya and son Mark are best buddies, she sleeps in his room. 2 mile walks around reservoir every morning before Dad goes to work. Family is absolutely thrilled with Maya and will do whatever it takes to keep her happy and safe." (December 2010)

Georgia is a Siberian Husky mix who was rescued from a shelter in Georgia (hence her name). She is approximately five years old. She was severely underweight and suffering from crusting skin lesions when she arrived in North Carolina. We were happy to provide the funding for Georgia's treatment. (October 2010)

We were shocked by Molly's story. Her owner surrendered her to Northern Lights because of "allergies." Molly was in the care of an experienced foster mom who noticed she was having difficulties eating. As Julie writes, "she was horrified to discover that Molly had a mouthful of shattered and broken teeth, some with exposed nerves! We can't believe the amount of pain this dog has been in, and can't imagine how long she has gone on this way with the only 'treatment' for her being drugged up with Prozac and Ace."
After a course of antibiotics and pain medication, Molly was ready for dental surgery. She had 14 teeth extracted--including her canines which were broken off at the gum line. Many of her side and front teeth are also gone. Molly is on a soft diet and should be able to eat normally over time. Her prognosis is excellent.
We were very pleased to pay for Molly's dental surgery.
Update:A happy and serendipitous update: A newly-graduated DVM with an interest in canine dental care has adopted Molly. She knows just what to do for her. Lucky Molly! (September 2010)

Spooky had been living outside without heartworm or flea prevention. His owner surrendered him to Camp Greendog and Chris had Spooky tested for heartworms. The results were positive. Chris writes that Camp Greendog is a small organization with limited funding, but he did receive donations to defray some of the expenses. We were pleased to provide the remainder of the costs.
Spooky's prognosis is very good for a full recovery, and we hope he finds a caring, forever home soon. (September 2010)

Frankie is a black and white boy with blue eyes who was released to Roberta's rescue by the county shelter because he tested positive for heartworms. The Siberian Husky Rescue of New Mexico had recently incurred some heavy medical expenses and had an excess number of dogs so Roberta took Frankie. Her rescue paid for his treatment. She describes him as a fairly young and personable Siberian who faced euthanasia without her intervention.
Frankie was underweight and in addition to his heartworms, he was also diagnosed with a severe case of giardia. He is now recovering well, his prognosis is excellent, and he has gained weight.
We were able to contribute funds for Frankie's treatment and are grateful to Roberta and the Alaskan Malamute Rescue of New Mexico for helping him.(August 2010)

Raina is a pretty bi-eyed girl who was pulled from an animal shelter in Tennessee. Marcia had a routine vet examination done and Raina was found to be heartworm positive. She was treated and is recovering nicely. Raina has potential adopters ready to take her home soon.
We were pleased to fund Raina's heartworm treatment and wish her a happy life with her new family. (August 2010)
Update: Raina has been adopted and the two little girls in her new family love her. Marcia Horne of Siberian Husky Assist writes, "This photo is of Raina after she was groomed; an absolute beauty and sweetheart who is loved and cared for they way we want them to be." (February 2011)

Many on Sibernet-L know the heart-wrenching story of Carly, a beautiful woolly girl in foster care recovering from heartworm treatment. Complications arose (laboured breathing and listlessness) and Carly returned to the emergency room and was diagnosed with a thrombotic embolism. She remained for three days to be stabilized and returned to her foster home where she was recovering nicely. Her prognosis was good.
Carly's medical bills were extensive and at our monthly on-line meeting we voted to fund a large portion of them. Carly died the next morning. We were all shocked and saddened by the news. Carly's death was unexpected.
We have honoured our commitment to BDRA and know that our funding will help with the high vet bills. (June 2010)
Delaware Valley Siberian Husky Rescue - Rex - Pennsylvania

Rex is a young dilute black and white boy who was owner-surrendered. He suffers from both glaucoma in one eye and a heart arrhythmia. Chris writes that the eye medications are helping tremendously, but are very costly. Rex's eye will be enucleated once his heart condition has stabilized.
We were pleased to help with the interim costs of Rex's medications and hope he can be scheduled for surgery soon. Chris assures us that DVSHR will be looking for an appropriate adopter for Rex since he is a special needs dog, but that the rescue has many applicants willing and able to care for such dogs.
We wish Rex a long, healthy and happy life. (June 2010)
Update: Rex was operated on in 2011. Read about it here.

Mandy is a lovely six-month old puppy who came into rescue because her owner couldn't afford to diagnose or treat her medical issues. As Mindy wrote us, "Mandy had been suffering from urinary incontinence since she was born and even with medication, she still leaked urine. Once we shaved the hair off her back legs, we could see that Mandy had scald marks all the way down her legs from the chronic leaking. Our vet suspected that she had been born with an ectopic ureter." This is a condition whereby the ureter ends at a different site from the urinary bladder. Mandy went to specialists at Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine where not only the ectopic ureter was confirmed, but also other anatomical abnormalities were discovered—including a smaller-than-normal left kidney.
The surgery went very well and Mandy has recovered nicely though keeping her quiet during her convalescence was challenging! Mindy said that "she just wants to run and play with the big dogs! Little Miss Mandy is very soft and cuddly, loves to be snuggled, and loves to sit on your lap under the blankets. We will be looking for a very special home for this very special girl."
And Mandy has found her very special forever home with adopters who are thrilled to welcome her into their lives.
We were very pleased to make a substantial contribution to Mandy's medical bills. (May 2010)

This young pup was found wandering around a neighbourhood and was picked up by the local animal control. Sonya managed to pull Sarah just before she was to be euthanized. Sarah tested positive for heartworms and is currently in foster care while she undergoes treatment.
We were happy to pay for Sarah's heartworm treatment and hope she soon finds a loving forever home. (May 2010)

Dakota (formerly Sorcha) is a pretty red and white girl whom we helped with heartworm treatment a few weeks ago. She was transported from Georgia to her forever home in Pennsylvania. Susan wrote us that everything was great for the first few weeks. "Then, one day, Dakota fell to the ground at my feet and immediately went into a seizure." Susan is familiar with seizures and knew that time was of the essence for emergency treatment. While she got Dakota to an emergency vet as quickly as possible, the seizure had lasted almost an hour. Susan was advised that this was very serious and Dakota was treated immediately with valium and then with phenobarbital. The clinic did several tests including blood work. Dakota was stabilized and after a two-day stay at the hospital returned home with medications.
Due to our limited resources, SOS-SRF cannot provide funding for personal pets, but we do have a qualifier in our Guidelines that allows us to help recent adopters with unforeseen medical problems if they occur within 30 days of adoption.
We were glad we could help Susan and Dakota through this medical emergency and wish Dakota a healthy and happy life. (May 2010)

This little puppy is currently in a foster home after having being surrendered to Tracey's organization. His parents had exhausted their financial resources on emergency room visits, diagnostic tests, ultrasounds, and blood work. They simply couldn't afford to fund the very expensive corrective surgery. Spirit desperately needs a liver shunt. Without this surgery his prognosis is poor/grave; with it, the outcome is excellent/good.
We were glad to provide considerable funding for Spirit's surgery and wish him a happy—and long—future. (May 2010)

Dozer, a two-year old black and white boy, was taken to the Emergency Unit of the Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital for treatment of a recent laceration of the prepuce (foreskin) which may have happened during a routine neuter. Dozer seems to have led a peripatetic life for a few weeks: he's an escape artist and the history of his post surgical life is a bit of a mystery. He has recovered well and we were happy to help with his treatment. (April 2010)

Bella is a seven-year old red and white female who had been adopted but returned to BASHR with incompatibility issues. She was severely emaciated and Randee suspected some sort of blockage. X-rays were inconclusive but an ultrasound showed a mass partially blocking her intestine. Bella underwent surgery and six inches of intestine were removed.
She recovered well from the surgery and has already been adopted. A recent photo shows her happily accepted by her new family of four children, three other Siberians, a Rottweiler, and a cat.
We were pleased to contribute to Bella's medical bills. (April 2010)

This lovely girl was dumped in a parking lot at a local shelter. She was spayed and vetted with no problems and adopted two weeks later. Three days after her adoption she threw up all her food so the new owners took her to their vet who did X-rays, saw a large mass, and advised euthanasia. Fortunately, BASHR was contacted to investigate further. An X-ray showed a large, cylindrical mass and an ultrasound confirmed this to be a cyst on a kidney. During surgery, two cysts were found—both operable. They may have been a result of her having been hit by a car.
Suzy recovered nicely and we were pleased to help her get well again. Randee sent us an update recently: a beautiful photo of Suzy with her new adoptive parents who love her to pieces.
We always love happy endings! (April 2010)

Gina found Cai, a one-year old black and white boy, at a shelter in South Dakota. He had been dumped on the highway and was within a day of being euthanized at this high-kill shelter when Gina rescued him. She thinks he may have been abandoned because he couldn't see well. Gina was fostering Cai for Norsled until she realized that she couldn't give him up. At the same time she realized that Cai had vision problems. Examinations by two ophthamologists revealed progressive cataracts in both eyes with strong recommendations for surgery. Both specialists warned of the potential for glaucoma--and eventual blindness if the cataracts were left untreated. While juvenile cataracts are not uncommon in Siberians, Cai's situation was a bit different: he's still a baby and the cataracts were growing rapidly.
We were pleased to help Cai see again! (April 2010)

Suzy Taylor rescued this pretty one-year old girl who was being given away through a Free Cycle ad. Sadie Belle may have eaten a computer cord but her owner did nothing about it despite the fact that he saw it in a pile of her diarrhea. Sadie Belle arrived with bloody diarrhea, vomiting, and worms. And while HW negative, she was severely emaciated. Sadie needed surgeries on her intestines, her appendix and her rectum.
Suzy was able to raise monies for most of Sadie Belle's treatment, and we were very pleased to contribute the remaining funds.
Sadie Belle is now with Northern Lights Sled Dog Rescue in a caring foster home as she recovers from her surgeries and regains some much needed weight. (April 2010)
Update: Sadie was adopted by a young couple who will be moving to Alaska where "mom" will be working as a Pedicatric Intensive Care physician. Having a doctor for a mom will be a great asset for Sadie! (January 2011)

This young girl may have been aptly named! Heaven was surrendered by her owner and taken into rescue. She wasn't eating much and was thought to be anorexic. Her lab work was normal but Kristen had X-rays done and they revealed two large "foreign objects" in her stomach. They were rocks. Sigh. Heaven had an emergency gastrotomy to remove the rocks and her prognosis for a full recovery is excellent. She needs to gain more weight before she's available for adoption.
We were very happy to fund the majority of Heaven's treatment and hope she finds a loving home soon and a yard without rocks! (March 2010)

This pretty little girl was an owner-surrender. She was playing rather rambunctiously and lacerated the underside of her tongue severely. Kristen took Casey to an emergency facility where she was treated quickly. Her prognosis for a full recovery is excellent. And Kristen writes that Casey's adoption has just been finalized.
We were pleased to pay for Casey's treatment and wish her a happy life and joyful (but less exuberant) play times! (March 2010)

Heartworm is such a preventable disease yet SOS-SRF gets frequent applications for heartworm funding. Sorcha is a young red and white girl with blue eyes who was rescued from a kill shelter in North Carolina and placed in a foster home with little experience of northern breeds. Amy tells us that Rotts 'n Pups Rescue pulled her "in the nick of time" as the foster was threatening to have Sorcha euthanized the next day. Sorcha travelled to Georgia where she had her heartworm treatment and then to Pennsylvania where she is now happily with her forever family.
Her new family promises Sorcha (now Dakota) "a spoiled life" Her mom writes that "she is busy unstuffing all her stuffed toys." And Sorcha (Dakota) appears to be a great therapist: she helped her new mom after a difficult work day.
We were pleased to pay for Sorcha's heartworm treatment and wish her a wonderful life. We love happy endings. (March 2010)
Update: see Dakota (May 2010)

Imagine living nine years of your life on an eight-foot chain without adequate shelter. This was Tara's existence until Cathy finally persuaded Tara's owner to relinquish her to Journey's End, Cathy's non-profit sanctuary. Tara was emaciated, with a horrible coat, and bloody diarrhea. Cathy suspected thyroid and IBD problems and investigated further with an endocrinologist who advised soloxine and then a complete blood work up.
Cathy reports that the soloxine immediately improved Tara's health. Her fur has begun to grow again and she has gained five pounds. In addition, her bowel problems have cleared up, and she has become playful once more.
Tara needed extensive blood tests to diagnose her problems. She is now well on the road to recovery and is assured a final sanctuary with Cathy for her remaining years. We were delighted to fund Tara's veterinary expenses. (March 2010)
Update: Sadly, Tara died from a malignant anal tumor in early 2012. For more of her story, click here.

Missy, a seven-year old black and white girl with brown eyes, is AKC Myla's Mischief Maker. Even a winning show dog can end up in a rescue situation!
This is a heartbreaking story. Missy's owner is battling cancer and is unable to keep her. He had bought her from a breeder at the same time he adopted a dog from Judy. Judy took her dog back and because the two had never been separated, took Missy as well. Judy found a 2 cm. mammary mass on Missy and the vet's recommendation was a partial mastectomy and a spay. After preliminary tests and x-rays to ensure there were no further internal tumours, MIssy had her surgery.
Her companion will be happy to have her back: he has been anxious and pacing around the house looking for her!
We thank Judy for taking Missy (as well as her own dog back) and hope they both continue to have a happy life together.
We were very pleased to fund Missy's surgery. (March 2010)

Bowie, a white, bi-eyed girl approximately two years old, walked into the warehouse of a building where Michael McKoewn works. He writes "she was friendly but a little nervous. Her coat was matted and she had paint on her. She had no tags and the skin on her neck was worn to blisters where her collar was. I couldn't in my heart leave her there so I took her home to protect her and find her a home." Michael contacted us to see if we could provide help with her medical expenses.
We suggested that Michael contact Two by Two Rescue and they are now working together to help this lovely girl. Bowie was vetted and is heartworm positive, but her prognosis for recovery is excellent. Once her treatment is complete, Sonya at Two by Two will work with Michael, the good Samaritan, to find Bowie a loving forever family.
We were very happy to pay for Bowie's treatment. (March 2010)

This year-old boy was at an animal shelter in Wyoming which contacted Karen to see if she could take him. Karen writes that "Zeke's left hind leg is shorter than his right and he is in pain. His left hip is luxated and 'pops' when flexed. He needs a femoral head osteotomy to correct this."
The Wyoming shelter with its limited resources was unable to perform this surgery so Zeke travelled to Idaho to have the procedure. His prognosis for a full recovery is excellent. Karen updated us a few days ago: "Zeke now has a complete new hip - reconstructed - and is healthy. He is already walking on it and will start therapy soon. Now we will find him the best home ever!"
We were happy to provide funding to enable Zeke to have a pain-free life. (March 2010)

Nine-month old Justin was at a shelter in Fort Hood which planned to euthanize him because he required extensive - and expensive - surgery: his leg was fractured in two places. Lacie rescued Justin and writes that he has had his surgeries and is expected to make a full recovery. He is available for adoption. In the meantime, his foster mom reports that he is already trying to play and run with the other huskies.
We were able to contribute substantially to help Justin. (February 2010)

NLSDR agreed to take this gorgeous young pup into their rescue thinking he would quickly be adopted. He had shown no signs of physical impairment when assessed and impressed everyone with his calm and friendly behaviour. It wasn't long after that Julie noticed he was favouring his right rear leg. After x-rays and exams it became evident that Finian needed a right femoral head osteotomy.
Julie writes that "Finian is recovering nicely and is using his leg more all the time. He is just a fabulous dog and his foster mom says that he is the nicest, easiest, best-behaved dog she's ever fostered."
We were delighted to pay for Finian's surgery and wish him a healthy, happy future in his new forever home. Yes--Finian has a new family and a new brother, and Julie reports that the two dogs are doing very well together. (February 2010)

Kiska is a 10-month old pup with blue eyes. She was in a Georgia shelter and scheduled to be gassed. Kiska was very underweight and also pregnant. Husky House organized her transport to New Jersey the night before her PTS date. Kiska developed pneumonia with other complications which necessitated emergency and supportive care.
She recovered well and has a home waiting once she is spayed. Alas, several of her puppies died.
We were pleased to help with Kiska's considerable expenses. (January 2010)