2013 (28 dogs)
Here are the dogs we have helped in 2013. We were pleased to make contributions towards their medical expenses to ensure happy and healthy lives for them all.

Oliver is eight years old and was picked up as a stray. Jennifer's rescue pulled him from a shelter in West Virginia where he was scheduled to be euthanized. She writes that "he was in very bad shape with an anal mass that needed to be removed and several broken and/or rotting teeth that needed to be extracted."
Oliver's prognosis is very good and he will be available for adoption when he has recovered. We were pleased to provide significant funding to help Oliver and hope he finds his forever home soon. (December 2013)

This young boy was scheduled to be euthanized because of his bad knees (see photo on left). Jackie tells us that "the technical term is a G4 Lateral patella luxation bilateral." It may be a congenital condition due to careless breeding. We were shocked to watch the video of poor Memphis struggling to walk.
Jackie's rescue mounted an impressive campaign to defray surgical costs and she was given a considerable discount by her veterinarian. We were happy to provide the balance.
Memphis made a remarkable recovery and after only a week was managing to walk on his hind legs--a testament to the "fearlessness" Jackie describes. Click here to see a video of Memphis 18 days after his surgery. (If this video is no longer available, please let us know). We were delighted to learn that Memphis has found his forever family. (December 2013)

Jake ate a towel! (Doesn't he look like he's thinking up his next escapade?) He went through emergency surgery to remove this obstruction and save his life. It was extensive surgery since he was also found to be cryptorchid with his testicles in his abdomen rather than the groin area.
He is recovering well and we made a significant contribution to his treatment. (December 2013)

Baron is a young red and white boy who was found abandoned, starving, and injured. He ended up in a Georgia shelter and was next in line to be euthanized when Amy's rescue responded. She writes that he "was skin and bones underneath a big fluffy coat and sadly, he was found to be heartworm positive."
Baron was treated, has gained weight, and best of all, has been adopted into a wonderful forever home. We were very pleased to pay for Baron's heartworm treatment. (November 2013)
Update: Baron's veterinarian also found that Baron had a broken leg and a broken pin within his leg. It appears that the break never healed causing Baron to walk with a painful limp. He needed surgery (fracture revision) to remove the pin and re-set the leg. Amy's rescue did a remarkable job of fundraising and we provided the remaining funds. (December 2013)

This young pup (3 months old) was pulled from an animal shelter and found to have several medical issues. There was a gash on a rear leg which was sutured, and the femur on that leg was out of its socket and Boscoe needed corrective surgery for that.
Angelique writes that he recovered well and has been adopted. We were pleased to contribute funding to ensure a happy future for Boscoe. (November 2013)

Arina is a young girl and was pulled from an animal shelter which planned to euthanize her. She was suffering from a displaced hip joint that was causing her pain: she would not put weight on her leg. The treating veterinarian recommended a femoral head ostectomy (FHO) to alleviate the pain caused by bones rubbing together.
The surgery was successful and Arina is healing nicely. With some rehabilitation, she should make a full recovery. She is now in foster care but is available for adoption. Brandy describes her as a "very happy and loving girl."
We were happy to contribute funding for Arina's surgery. (October 2013)

Cheyenne was in danger of euthanization when Brandy pulled her from a shelter. Cheyenne tested positive for heartworms. She was treated and is currently in foster care and available for adoption.
Her treatment was expensive and funding exceeded our normal heartworm grant. Cheyenne became the first recipient of the Julie Moreland Heartworm Fund established by her husband, Dr. Rich Moreland. Many will remember Julie as a passionate advocate for Siberian Husky rescue, a generous contributor to Sibernet-L and other Siberian-related lists, and a wonderful friend. After her tragic death in November, 2011, her husband Rich established this fund to honour Julie's devotion to and love of Siberians.
All heartworm applications we receive which exceed our normal grant will be supplemented from this special fund. (October 2013)

This young girl lucked out! Alas, her owner was not so fortunate. When he died, his landlady took over her care. Taz got loose and was hit by a car and suffered a shattered leg. The landlady contacted several foundations for help and Amy's rescue was able to step in. Had she not, the only recourse for Taz would have been amputation.
Taz had major orthopedic surgery in July and a corrective surgery a month later. She has been recovering well and Amy reports that "she is finally beginning to use her leg more." While she still faces many months of recovery and therapy, Taz has found her forever family. Her foster parents, who first helped to save her, are adopting her. Taz will have several canine siblings as you can see from the picture.
We were very pleased to provide funding for Taz and hope that her first Dad is too. (October 2013)

This young lad was hit by a car and Husky House was contacted to help. Jed was diagnosed with a complete fracture of his right front leg - both the radius and ulna. In addition, he was also diagnosed with a tear in his lungs - a pneumothorax. The fracture required a plate and eight screws.
His prognosis is excellent and Lorraine reports that "he is already using his leg on short potty walks." She tells us that he has a potential adopter.
We were pleased to help Jed and wish him a happy life. (September 2013).

Dolly is a pretty young girl who was hit by a car and abandoned in the Everglades. Fortunately, she sustained only bruising from the accident, but after a vet check, was found to be heartworm positive.
She has been in the care of Sky Miami Foundation and is with a foster family. Her heartworm treatment was successful and her prognosis is excellent. She is available for adoption.
We were delighted to pay for Dolly's treatment and hope she finds her forever home soon. (September 2013).

Kashmir, a 4-year old boy was pulled (with Destiny) from an animal services agency in Florida. A routine vet check revealed a diagnosis of heartworms. Kashmir was treated and his prognosis is very good. He will be available for adoption as soon as his recovery from the treatment is complete.
Destiny is a 7-year old black and white lady with blue eyes who was rescued from an animal services organization and found to be heartworm positive. She has been treated and her prognosis is very good. Destiny will be available for adoption soon. (July 2013)
Update:We were pleased to hear from Dawn that Destiny has been adopted and that "her new family loves her immensely." (December 2013)

Major is a young red and white boy rescued from a Tennessee shelter. He was diagnosed with heartworms and treated successfully.
Amy writes that he is "mellow and super sweet--the most laid-back husky ever." We hope he finds his forever home soon. (July 2013)

July 4, 2013
With all of the wonderful things SOS-SRF is busy doing, you probably don't remember me. My name is Rex and 2 years ago you helped DVSHR pay my bill when I had to have emergency surgery to remove my right eye due to advanced glaucoma and extreme pressure and pain, when the medicines would no longer work. Click here to read that story.
As you can see I have made a full recovery and on May 15, 2013, I celebrated my second year with John and Denise in my forever home in Califon, NJ. It has been simply WONDERFUL here with my people but I haven't forgotten your generosity to my rescue which helped to make this all possible.
God bless everyone at SOS-SRF!!
Hugs and kisses,

Puck was a stray and in danger of being euthanized at a shelter, but was rescued. He was found to be heartworm positive. He has been treated and is in foster care. He will be available for adoption soon.
We were very happy to provide funding for Puck. He is a very lucky and very special boy. (June 2013)
Update: Puck was adopted in August and is leading an active life. He has a new friend with whom he gets along well: Tony, the cat!

Roci wrote us, "Blaze was found as a stray with a partial amputation of his left forearm. The wound was not completely healed when he was found." While amputation of the limb was considered, Blaze is a young boy and "a prosthesis would make him more comfortable and more adoptable."
Blaze will encounter further medical procedures in the weeks ahead, but we were pleased to provide funding for the prosthesis. (June 2013)
Update: We have since made a contribution towards preparatory surgery for the prosthesis. We are now waiting to hear news of how Blaze is doing with it.(September 2013)
Update: We were pleased to hear from Roci that Blaze has been adopted. "He is now in his forever home with a family from Quebec! They even have another dog (a German Shepherd)
who is Blaze's new BFF (best friend forever)!" Click here to see
Blaze's meeting with his new family. (December 2013)

This young puppy was due to be euthanized when he was pulled from an animal care facility. In the course of having him neutered, the veterinarian found that Legend had an undescended testicle. When he intubated Legend, he discovered a more serious problem: Legend had a cleft palate which required soft palate reconstruction and a surgeon specializing in this procedure.
Because Legend was a rescue, the veterinarian (from Vancouver, B.C.) charged only half his usual fee.
Legend has fully recovered and his prognosis is excellent. We were very pleased to provide funding for this little boy and wish him a long and happy life. (June 2013)

This young boy was surrendered by his owner and found to be diabetic. He needed a series of glucose curves to determine the appropriate insulin regimen to keep him stable. Peg reports that he has gained 20 pounds and is currently at a healthy 58 pounds. Dakota will require daily insulin injections but is expected to live a normal life.
We were very pleased to provide substantial funding for Dakota's tests. (June 2013)
Update: On September 12, 2014, Dakota crossed the Rainbow Bridge. (September 2014)

Winter is a young female pulled from a dog pound and diagnosed with entropion, a condition in which the eyelid rubs against the eye causing painful irritation and a potential corneal ulcer.
She needed surgery to correct this condition and we were very happy to provide the funding for it. (May 2013)

This young girl was found as a stray. She had been killing chickens and developed breathing problems as a result of her close proximity to them. When April rescued her, Kenai was diagnosed with pulmonary histoplasmosis, a fungal pneumonia which needed immediate treatment. She may need medication all her life. April was fostering Kenai and describes her as "absolutely the sweetest dog you have ever met!"
And April is a foster failure - you can see why!
We were very happy to contribute funds to Kenai's treatment. (May 2013)

Maya is a pretty three-year old girl who was surrendered to rescue. She was blind with mature cataracts in both eyes: what Julie describes as "100% opacification of the lens." The surgery to restore her sight was expensive, but NLSDR felt that regaining her sight would allow Maya to live a more normal life and make her more adoptable once she has recovered from the surgery. Her prognosis is excellent.
We were very happy to contribute funds to help Maya. (April 2013)
Update: Maya has been adopted and is happily settling in with her new family which includes two Chows. Picture on the left. (August 2013)

JoLynn pulled this five-year old boy from a shelter. Pele had an enormous mass on his side - see photo on right. When it was removed it was found to be the size of a watermelon and weighed 18.5 pounds. When we saw the photos we were aghast! How could anyone have let this happen!
Pele is recovering well and is learning to walk normally again without that additional weight. His prognosis is excellent and he will be available for adoption soon.
We were very happy to help Pele and wish him a long and happy life. (April 2013)
Update: Pele has been adopted and is doing very well. (October 2013)

Bruce is only a year old and has been struggling to breathe since he was 12 weeks old when he was diagnosed with congenital laryngeal paralysis. Earlier surgical procedures to help him were not successful and his life for the last months has been severely restricted: daily crating; no play time; no running around; and no walks. A miserable life for a puppy.
Bruce was surrendered to SHELL and Kristen was determined to help this pup. She set up a fundraising page with http://www.fundrazr.com and through generous donations raised considerable funds to provide Bruce with the life-saving surgery he needed to breathe again.
We were also happy to provide funds to help Bruce and hope that he can soon make up for lost puppy time!(March 2013)

Polliver is a senior black and white Siberian (10.5 years) who has seen his share of problems and is currently in foster care. He is an owner turn-in and had been shuffled around from shelter to shelter and in danger of euthanization when HTHNBR agreed to take him. Cheryl (his foster mother) describes him as a "real charmer."
Polliver had been worrying a place on his left hip and when he was examined, the vet discovered a tumour close to his left anal gland. It was a plasma cell tumour which was benign, but the surgery to remove it was complicated and expensive.
He is recuperating well and a recurrence of this tumour is unlikely.
We were pleased to contribute to Polliver's surgery and hope that he will find his forever family soon. (March 2013)

This pretty red and white girl was probably hit by a car causing multiple fractures of her radius and ulna on her right front leg. One of the bones was exposed and she needed immediate surgery. A Los Angeles shelter contacted Tails of the City who pulled Misty and organized the surgery which involved stabilizing the fractures with a plate and screws. It was a long, complicated and expensive procedure, but Misty is recuperating well.
She will remain in foster care until she is completely healed and will then be made available for adoption.
We were happy to contribute substantially to help Misty. (March 2013)

This young pup was surrendered by his owner and scheduled to be euthanized when Alley intervened. Flipper (aka Baby Knees) had a double knee deformity in both back legs-- possibly the result of backyard breeding--rendering them useless for normal walking. Alley describes him as "a wonderful, very affectionate dog" who despite his pain, "never complains about it."
Without corrective surgery, Flipper's prognosis was bleak. The surgery was very expensive, but with the generous support of many people, Alley and her team raised most of the funds needed through YouCaring.com. The surgery was successful and a day later Flipper was standing upright!
We were pleased to contribute funds for this little boy and wish him a long and happy life. (March 2013)

This little girl is seven months old and was hit by a car. She suffered a broken left front leg (radius and ulna) which was left untreated for several weeks before Alley pulled her from a shelter. We saw the x-ray and and can readily appreciate the pain Snookums must have endured.

She has had her surgery and is recuperating well. She will be available for adoption once she fully recovers.
Alley was able to raise some funds to help Snookums and we were happy to provide a substantial amount as well. (February 2013)

A Good Samaritan spent several frustrating days trying to convince an irresponsible owner to relinquish a nine-month old puppy to her. Just when it seemed that it would happen, the owner let Winston out--again---and he was struck by a car. Winston needed immediate surgery for a fractured hip. Sarah Jane organized the treatment and the transfer of ownership to herself through the help of a cooperative and sympathetic animal hospital.
We were very pleased to contribute significantly to Winston's care and very much appreciate Sarah Jane's determination to save this gorgeous boy. (February 2013)

Raiden is a nine-year old red and white girl whom Roberta pulled from a shelter. Her owners had put in a pool and there was no longer any backyard room for Raiden or her companion. Raiden was spayed and developed pyrometra for which treatment was necessary. We were very happy to provide the funding to ensure Raiden's health.
She is currently in foster care with Arctic Rescue in Utah. (January 2013)